I'll Do It Myself

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As weeks went by, Shigaraki sat on a stone throne where he waited for news about Toga either being captured or killed. But as he sat there, his eyelids suddenly began to get very heavy. Eventually his eyelids came to a close, where he then begin sleeping. But while he slept he began dreaming of a memory. Seeing through this dream like memory, he saw himself sitting at the bar of the old hideouts. While he sat there he held a glass of alcohol by the rim. Seeing how low the alcohol has gotten, Shigaraki looks over at Kurogiri who's polishing the inside of a glass cup.


"Kurogiri. I need a refill of my drink."


"Right away, Tomura."

With Kurogiri saying that, he places the polished cup down as he then turned around the shelves of alcohol where he then grabs a few bottles to start to make Shigaraki's drink. But before he could start making the drink, Toga came up to the counter of the bar and yelled out to Kurogiri, which Shigaraki glanced over at her and looked at her with annoyance.


"Hey bartender guy! Can I get a strawberry milkshake please!"


"Hey brat."

As Shigaraki said this. Toga look over at him and saw and saw his red eye looking at her from in between the fingers of the hand on his face.


"Can't you see his busy making my dink."

I'm saying that he then heard Kurogiri respond back to Toga.


"Certainly Miss Toga."

Hearing that, Shigaraki quickly looked over at Kurogiri and saw him step away from the bottles of alcohol to head over to the fridge.


"Kurogiri! What about my drink."

Kurogiri stops approaching the fridge to look over his shoulder back at Shigaraki.


"Your drink will still be made, Tomura. After I finish making the milkshake for Toga."

With that said, Kurogiri looked away and began approaching the fridge. As he did so, Shigaraki looked at him with anger and annoyance.


"Thanks bartender guy!"

Hearing Toga say that, Shigaraki looked back at her and focused his anger and annoying straight at her, while she began to take her seat on the stool. As she sat there looking quite happy, Shigaraki wanted to disintegrate her here and now, but knew that he couldn't just yet. So he looked away from Toga and just looked down at his half empty drink.

~Shigaraki mind~

"This is complete bullshit. Kurogiri should only obey my orders. Not this brat or anyone else here. She's lucky I don't kill her."

After seeing all of this in his head he then felt the right side of sleeve of his shirt being slightly tugged. From feeling that he turned his head and looked at Toga who is smiling at him.


"I know we must have got on a bad foot in the start, but since we're going to be working together let's be friends and get along. Kay?"

Still looking at Toga with a bit of annoyance, Shigaraki suddenly had a thought of his own sister run past his mind. From this happening he ended up looking away from her.


"Yeah, whatever."

Hearing him say that, Toga smile as she then patted him on the back.


"I knew that there was a nice side of you."

As she said this, Shigaraki was not paying attention since he was still thinking about his sister and wondered why he thought of her when he heard Toga say that. Minutes later Kurogiri gives Toga milkshake which she is quite happy to receive. A few minutes after that, Shigaraki finally got his refill. With the two sitting next to each other it didn't take long for Dabi, Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner, and Big Sis Mag take a seat at the bar and ordered Kurogiri to make them their own individual drinks which he did not mind doing at all. At that moment in time, Shigaraki did not complain at all or was annoyed. Instead he strangely felts at home with these people who he thought nothing less of. But in that moment he also thought of these people his family.

~All For One~


Hearing his master's voice, Shigaraki was quick to open his eyes, ending his dream like memory of the past. From this happening he leans forward on his throne and places his right hand over his forehead.

~All For One~

"Tomura. Do you hear me?"

Hearing All For One's voice in his head, Shigaraki responded immediately.


"Yes. Yes Master, I hear you."

~All For One~

"Good. Now listen here. I've heard three of your subordinates have chosen to betray you."



Hearing that, he and melee knew the three the subordinates that All For One was talking about.

~All For One~

"It is true. They wished to help himiko Toga escape from Japan. But she declined their offer and instead went off on her own."


"I can't believe it. After everything I promised them, this is how they pay it back to me!?"

~All For One~

"They have completely been ungrateful to you, Tomura. What shall you do in response?"

Removing his hand from over his head he gets up from his throne and knows what his Master wishes him to do.

~All For One~

"Since I'm surrounded by complete traders. I'll kill them All, I'll do it myself. Because I am the only one that is possible of doing so."

~All For One~

"Very good, Tomura. Now go and slaughter all of those who dare betray you and stand in your way of glory.


"Yes, Master."

Saying that he suddenly begins levitating off the ground I'm breaking through the ceiling with a strong energy coursing around him. Eventually after baking through the ceiling, he was now on the outside where where he then floated down to the ground and walked over to an edge of hill. Looking out he sees the rising sun.


"I'm coming, for all of you."

~To be continued~

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