We Are Here

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After Toga's grand entrance, her and Shigaraki stared at each other with a serious look in their eyes.


"So that damn brat interested one for all to a psychopathic murderer who is also a brat as well."


"Yeah that right. Izuku did trust me enough to allow me to use his quirk. Even though he knew what I was, he still trusted me. Just like how I trusted you, Tomura. Izuku showed me through his eyes that you used us as a distraction just to kill him."


"And what's wrong with that? Every king must take every opportunity he gets, especially if it means sacrificing if you pawns."


"So is that how you saw us? Nothing but pawns in your little game?"

As Shigaraki closed his eyes for mere second, he suddenly had a glimpse of the dream he had of when he and everyone else was sitting together at the bar. From opening his eyes, he looks directly at Toga."


"Yes. That's what you've all been to me, since the very beginning."

Hearing Shigaraki say this, saddens Toga very much as she thought of the memory with him and everyone else.


"I thought we were all the family."


"Well you thought wrong. We're merely nothing but villains. We have no friends, no families, and no lovers. This is our fate as villains, which you should be already aware of."


"Yes I'm aware of it. But I just don't believe it. When I first joined the league I knew right there I made new friends. Friends who accepts me for who I am. Friends who I saw a family now. The league to me was not just some group of villains, it was a family of outcasts and rejects of society. And you knew that too Tomura. You were just made to forget it about it by that damn master of yours."


"Don't talk about my master that way."


"You see him as your master but everyone else around him sees him as nothing but a monster who's ruined peoples of life. I know I'm the last person that should be saying these words but still, he is a terrible person and he must be stopped."


"Toga, I warned you that you shouldn't talk about my master that way, but you did. So now I have another reason to kill you."


"Tomura, at first I didn't want to fight you. But seeing what you've become, but seeing what you've become, you're no longer the person I met back at that bar. So come on, let's fight."


"Now that's what I like to hear."

After saying this, Shigaraki begin powering up to intimidate Toga. But as she stood there she was completely unfazed. Her main concern was those who were unconscious behind you."


"Ochako. Get your friends and get out of here."

From Uraraka hearing this, she couldn't help but to be concerned about Toga."


"But what about you?"


"I'll be fine. Now go."

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