He's Here

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As the heroes were gathered in a base camp, they were attending to many different tasks. Tending to the injured Heroes and civilians, interrogating captured villains, and forming a plan of what their next move should be against the villains. But with all these heroes being completely busy with these different tasks, they were able to get a five minute break to get a few minutes of shut-eye or to get something to eat and drink. Some of the heroes who we're on there 5 minute break now where Uraraka, Momo, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Mina. With Bakugou using his five minute break to sleep, the others used it to get something to eat and drink. So sitting down at a small table they eating the rations they were given which was not very flavorful but instead very bland. The person who dislike this the most was Mina who just picked at her food and questioned if it even was food.


"Hmm, is anyone else wondering what exactly we are eating?"


"It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's edible and could give us nutrition than that is enough."


"Todoroki is right. Now isn't the time to complain or get picky about your food."


"Yeah I know. But still..."

Saying this, Mina picks at her food even more.


"What about you, Uraraka-"

As Mina turns her head to ask Uraraka a question, she stops herself mid sentence as she looks at her and sees that she has a serious expression on her face as she eats her food. Seeing that, Mina doesn't ask Uraraka the question she was going to tell her. Instead she looks away and begins eating her food.


"I'm done."

With Uraraka saying this, she stands up from her seat and grabs her tray. From her doing this, Momo, Todoroki, and Mina look up at her.




"Yes. Now if you don't mind I'll be heading back to my tasks."


"Okay then, I guess we'll see you around."

With Momo saying this, Uraraka walked away without saying another word. As soon as she left, Momo look down at her food and felt worry for Uraraka.


"I wish she could be her old self again."


"Yeah I want that too. I miss the old Uraraka."

As the two soaked over Uraraka, Todoroki soon stepped in and said some words.


"I understand that the two of you must be worried over Uraraka. I am worried for her as well. But we can't keep on worrying, we must stay strong similar to her.


"Once again, you're right Todoroki."


"Yes I know. No you don't mind I'll finish my lunch since we only have two minutes left."


"Wait two minutes!? But I haven't eaten anything yet!"

After saying this, Mina quickly began scarfing down everything from her tray to her mouth. Meanwhile Uraraka was making her way through the camp to head over to the medical tent where they will need her the most but on her way there she bumped into Bakugo where they than make a bit of eye contact with one another. Eventually, Uraraka soon cuts the eye contact short as she looks away and begins walking past him. But as she did so, Bakugou couldn't help but to comment about that serious look on her face.

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