The Mysterious Hero

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As a mother and her son ran through the empty streets of a city, they were being pursued by a group of villains. Running as fast as they could they still weren't able outrun the villains that were getting closer. The mother lifted up her son and picked him up where she then held in his arms and ran through an alleyway hoping to lose the villain the labyrinth of alleyways. Running through the alleyway the mother knocked trash cans and other objects down to the ground to slow down the pursuing villains. While running she soon came to crossway. Looking at them she did not know what path she should take, but before she can make it clear decision, she hears the villains catching up to her, so she goes right and begins running once again. But while running she then came to a dead end. So she turned around and attempts to go back, but before she could take a step forward. The villains that were chasing her and her son finally caught up to them.

~Villain 1~

"Finally we caught up to you. Now give us the kid."


"No. I won't let you take my baby."

~Villain 2~

"Hey man I don't think you should take the kid. He might not be the person we're looking for."

~Villain 1~

"Don't get cold feet on me now. She answered the question that she doesn't know what her son's quirk is."


"That's right! Because he hasn't developed it yet! So please leave us alone!"

~Villain 1~

"No way lady. Now hand over the kid and no one gets hurt."


"I said no!"

~Villain 1~

"Fine. I guess we're just going to have to do this the hard way!"

Has the villain said that he then turn his entire right arm into a blade, would you then begin running towards her as he raises up his his bladed arm. Seeing him coming the mother held on to her son and close her eyes embrace yourself for the attack. But as she stood there, nothing happened to her, so she opened her eyes and looked back at the building she then saw the villain who was right in front of her. From looking at him she also sees some sort of black tendril wrapped around his bladed arm, preventing him from moving any further.

~Villain 1~

"What the hell is this?"

As the villain said that he was then pulled up into the air with a tenders came from. From seeing this happen the other villain looks up but is unable to see a thing due to how dark it was. Suddenly something false on top of some trash cans from above. Hearing this, the villain looks towards the trash cans and sees his partner lying face down on the concrete floor.

~Villain 2~

"Hey! Hey! Get up!"

Suddenly the villain then hears something gently land behind him. So he quickly turned around and saw. Doing so, there was someone standing in the alleyway which is unable to see due to how dark it was but was able to see the outline of the person.

~Villain 2~

"Who are you!? Did you do this!?"


"Hehe, you know that kid isn't the person you're supposed to be looking for."

~Villain 2~



"Because the person you're supposed to be looking for... He's right in front of you."

As Toga said this, she then extended her arms out and shot out black whip from her knuckles which then wrapped around the villain. From this happening she didn't pulled the villain towards her and punched him directly in the face which she then guided her fist and the villain straight to the ground which cracks from the impact. After dealing with the villain, Toga retracted black whip back into her knuckles well pulling her arm back and standing straight up. I'm doing so she can look over at the mother and son.


"You're safe now. I suggest you get out of here as quickly as possible. There's a safe zone not too far from here. He won't be able to miss it."


"Thank you, for saving us."


"You're welcome ma'am."

With that said, Toga raised her right arm up and shot out black whip from her knuckles again and launched herself up, leaving the mom and her son to leave the alleyway on their own.


After saving that mother and her son, Toga was on a rooftop of the building and standing at the very edge, where she had a good view of the city.


"You did a good job out there, Toga."

Hearing that, Toga looks over to her right and saw Deku standing right beside her on her right side.


"Thanks Izuku."


"You're welcome Toga. Oh and I've noticed that you've gone used to using black whip even after having it only for a few days."


"Yeah I guess I have gotten used to it. And it's all thanks to my teacher."

Toga says this is she glances over at Deku who she then smiles at.


"Ha, well he know I'm always glad to help you anyway I can."

As Deku says this he rubs the back of his head with his left hand while smiling and blushing a bit.


"And I always appreciate your help. Now how about we go back out there and deal with some more of those villains."


"Well all right then. Lead the way."

With Deku saying this, Toga then leaned forward from The edge and fell off of the building. But while falling she then used black whip grab hold of a building which you then used off of. Using black whip and float at the same time, Toga swung through the city.

~Villains hideout~

As Shigaraki was sitting on a throne in a dark room. The door to the room suddenly barges open. Shigaraki raises his head and looks over to see Geten.


"Geten, where the hell have you been."



"I've been trapped in a damn building for the past few days. But that's besides the point. I have something important to tell you.


"All right then, spit it out."

~To be continued~

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