We Found You

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With villains being in custody, the heroes begin interrogating them on the whereabouts of Shigaraki and All For One. But due to their complete loyalty to them, they kept their mouth shut even when the heroes decided to get a bit physical with them. Due to not getting a single word out of the villains, all the heroes could do was just to send them to the newly rebuilt Tartarus prison. Which some of the heroes weren't happy about due to not getting answers from them. One of the heroes who weren't happy about this situation was Endeavor himself, who was in a large tent looking at a map of the city. But as he stood there at the table, he then heard someone step into the tent looking over at the entrance of the tent he sees Hawks.


"Well it looks like you're still in here soaking."


"What do you want Hawks?"


"I don't need anything. But all those Heroes out there need the number one hero to get their shit together and lead them. And not being in a damn tent feeling completely pissed off from not getting a single ounce of information."

Hearing Hawks say all of this to him. Endeavor looked over at him with an angry expression.


"You have quite a lot of nerves speaking to me that way."


"Well I thought speaking to you that way will get you to listen to me through that thick skull of yours. So did it work?"

As Hawks said this, Endeavor then stepped away from the table and began making his way over to Hawks. Eventually the both were now up and close with this one another and look into each other's eyes.


"Yes, it did work."

Saying that, Endeavor then walked past Hawks and over to the entrance of the tent.


"Now come on, we have some Heroes to lead."

As Hawks looked back at Endeavor he smart knowing that he got through to him with some harsh words.


"Ha, whatever you say, number one."

With that said, Hawks followed Endeavor out of the tent to go do their job.


Meanwhile in the city, Toga was using black whip to swing through the buildings. Eventually she landed on top of the roof where she then walked over to village and looked down at warehouse.


"Well this is the place where that villain said that a group of villains are hiding out in."


After dealing with a group of five villains, Toga left one of them conscious to get information out of them. But with them being completely uncompliant, Toga had to take matters in their own hands by grabbing them by the neck and jumping high up into the air and use the quirk float. Being in the air with the villain, Toga threatened them of dropping them to their death. The villain assumed that she was bluffing and still decided to keep their mouth completely. But in this decision, they soon regretted it as Toga let go of the night and let them fall straight to the ground. But before they could get any closer to the pavement of the ground, Toga quickly grab hold of them. Now seeing that this wasn't a bluff, the villain begin telling toga everything that she needed to hear. After receiving the information she wanted, Toga decided to drop the villain once again who begins screaming all the way down. But it came to a stop right when he was inches away from hitting the ground. Looking up they see Toga who then tosses the villain into an open trash can which they then get stuck inside. After that Toga begin heading to the location of the villain told her about.

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