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Outside of the city on top of a hill was Toga who was wearing a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers. While standing on top of the hill she looked towards the direction of where the hospital that has become a safe zone.


"Izuku, are you sure your hero suit is in there?"

From saying that, Deku appears beside her and looks towards the hospital.


"Yeah I'm sure. If my body is located there, then I am sure my suit is in there as well."


"What if it's not?"


"Then if it's not there, it's probably back at UA. Which means there won't be any way you could get it."


"Well then we better hope that your suit is still there."


"Yeah we should. But it's going to be a problem getting inside without you being noticed."


"Don't worry I got that covered."

Saying that, Toga pulls out a vial of blood from the pocket of her hoodie. As Deku began looking over at it he began thinking of the way how she obtained that vial of blood.


"The vial. By any chance did you?..."


"No I didn't kill anyone for this blood. They were already dead when I came across them. I just took their blood just in case I needed it."


"Oh okay then, sorry for accusing you."


"It's fine Izuku. Now let's go get your suit."



As Deku fades away, Toga puts the vital blood back into her pocket as she then put the hood over her head. After that she then began to make her way down the hill and into the city. Doing so she then began to make her way through the ruined City, soon enough she arrived outside of where the hospital was. Looking at it she sees that there is a huge wall surrounding the hospital, from seeing that she also locates the entrance what seems to be guarded by some Heroes. So she reaches into her pocket and drinks half of the vial of blood. From ingesting the blood, Toga begins using her quirk to transform into a different girl. Afterwards she then made her way over to the entrance where she then saw another group of people heading inside, seeing this, Toga quickly took this opportunity to go in to this group of people and blend in as they walked through the front entrance. Now that she's infiltrated the inside of the safe zone, Toga made her way over to the hospital which she then went inside. But from stepping foot into the hospital she soon saw many injured people being tended to by the doctors and nurses. Seeing all these injured people, Toga realizing that that all these people were injured because of the people she worked alongside with.


"This is why we're fighting. To protect all of them."

Hearing that, Toga looks over to her left and sees Deku. Seeing him she gets worried thinking that people might notice him. But not realizing that she's the only one that can see him.


"Izuku. You shouldn't show yourself."


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