Rewrite & Sequel

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     Hey everyone, new and returning, haters and fans, how are you? How was the ending? Apologies if it seemed abrupt, but let me give you some backstory on this book and on me, a little bit.

     I started this book in 2019, when I was a teenager. This was my first completed work ever, after abandoning many projects. It also was the only thing I enjoyed doing during that year of my life, and I owe a lot to this story. Not only did it provide me with an outlet, with something to be excited about during times where I felt completely empty inside, but it also reignited my love for writing. Now, for that age, the writing wasn't bad at all. But, I'm an adult now... and I have been for a little while. I've been in new experiences that opened my eyes to a lot of things. Over the nearly FOUR YEARS I took to write this story, my style and abilities as a writer have definitely changed and developed. All because I kept going at it, learning from reading and being inspired.

     One thing I realized is that I am no longer super impatient with myself and my story. I used to beat myself up if I wrote any filler, scared that people would be bored of the seemingly "unimportant" details and situations. I just wanted to move from event to event, because I was excited about the plot points and drama. Now I am a lot more patient in my writing, and that's a big reason why I think this book is in need of a rewrite.

     Another reason, and don't be too mad, but another reason is because I want to change Charlie's best friend from Ghostemane to someone else. I still love Ghoste's music, but I don't like him too much as a person. Ever since learning about his attitude towards his ex girlfriends, I just don't feel comfortable having him be the confidant and supportive best friend Charlie needs. Also, when I had the idea to change his character, I was still under the impression that he had beef with the boys. They've since collabed, to my surprise, and are touring together. Even so, I want to remain firm in my decision to change his character. It's not about the music, it's about the personality. I always separate the art from the artist, but this is a book, where character matters in a... character. lol.

     So, I felt the best way to go about this was to wrap the book up -- which I was planning to do at this point in the plot anyway -- and leave it up as a complete work so people can enjoy the story as much as possible. Then, once I revise and rewrite, I'll take it down and republish it all at once. It won't take another four years, that I can promise. Then, I'll publish the first chapter or two of the sequel. Probably on the same day, maybe a day or two after.

     At first, I didn't think this book would have a sequel, but one day the idea just came to me. I'm really excited about it, and I hope you are as well. Don't worry, you won't have to wait until 2025, I'm really inspired for this book and I plan on forcing myself to be more consistent.

     For now, though, you can reread this book in its imperfect completion, and you can also check out my other ongoing Ruby Da Cherry fic, You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb if you haven't already.

     Also, Ruby's new solo project is out!!! I love it, and I've been blasting it ever since it dropped. I made sure tonight to hurry as quickly as possible to get this last chapter done, because what better way is there to celebrate his solo tape than to finish a fanifc about him that I've been working on since 2019?

     Thank you for the support on this book, even though I was inconsistent as a MF. I'll still be here, writing my silly little stories on this silly lil site. Until next time.

-- HeartFactory <3

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