Now That I Got Crack in Me

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     "Nah, they're not home. They went out to get some shit, so... we pretty much have the house to ourselves." Ruby opened the door to Kevin's house, stepping aside to let me enter first.

     "Good, now I don't have to try and be quiet," I said under my breath. Ruby heard me and laughed as we walked over to the stairs.

     "By the way," he tapped my shoulder as we walked up to his room. "Sorry for fallin' asleep on the phone last night. You didn't bore me or nothin' I promise. Actually, your voice is nice so that's prolly what did it."

     I nodded in understanding. "So it is my fault, then." I joked. Even though I appreciated his compliment, my ex used to tell me my voice was nice all the time. Hearing that string of words reminded me of him.

     "Oh come on, I mean it," Ruby laughed. He was right; he probably did genuinely mean what he was saying.

     "I believe you," I said, turning towards him as we reached the door to his room. He looked down at me, then pulled me up so it was easier for my lips to reach his. After a few seconds, I broke the kiss and looked up into his eyes. "You're good at that."

     "Thank you," he said, his face expressionless. He moved me so my back was against the door, then kissed me again. This time there was more force.

     "Okay," I said, pulling away. "This time be careful around my neck, asshole. I didn't see the marks last time 'til Eric pointed them out."

     Ruby looked deep into my eyes and a smirk grew on his face. "No promises." We entered his room and he locked the door from the inside. I sat on the edge of his bed, watching as he slowly walked over to me from the door.

     He quickly took off his shirt and gestured for me to do the same. My nipples were hard as there was no bra to protect them from the cool air. Ruby stared at them and gently pushed me down so that I was laying with my legs hanging off the bed. He took both his shorts and his boxers off at the same time. He stood in front of me and moved my legs, positioning me flat and straight on the bed.

     "You're gonna do as I say," Ruby said, getting on the bed and kneeling so that his cock touched where my ribs ended. "Alright babygirl?"

     "Okay," I said, my voice soft as his demand put me directly into submission. He grunted and pulled my shorts off, throwing them to the floor.

     He moved back and rubbed his tip on the outside of my panties, making me whimper as it touched my clit through the fabric. I started to move so I could take my underwear off, but Ruby stopped me with just a look.

     "You wanted these off, huh?" he condescendingly asked. I looked away from him and nodded. He scoffed and motioned for me to sit up, to which I obeyed. Ruby shifted to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his feet on the floor, legs spread apart. He leaned over a bit to get his face close to mine.

     His eyes burned into me with a dominant passion so strong I was getting wetter by the second. This brought out the brat in me, so I moved my head away and glared back at him.

     "I'm not gonna give you what you want, baby. Any idea why?" Ruby asked, putting a hand behind my head and gently pulling me back towards him. I shook my head. "You called me old."

     I let out a giggle just to annoy him. His hand that gently gripped the back of my head now twisted a section of my hair around his hand. I took a sharp breath in as it began to throb and sting from the resistance.

     "Get on your knees," he demanded, and pulled my head in the direction of the floor. I got off of the bed and positioned myself in front of him. My hair was still wrapped around his right hand.

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