Playa Hater

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains explicit descriptions of a highly traumatic event. It begins after the bold dotted line, so if you are sensitive in any way, I suggest you skip a few paragraphs after the bold dotted line.


     Waking up next to Ruby was something I was already used to. I'd see him under my arm or feel him breathing behind me, and it'd make me feel good. But waking up and recognizing him as my boyfriend was completely new to me. It was different, in a good way. I felt my hands and chest get warm with infatuation. All my stresses and troubles were pushed aside and I never wanted the moment to end.

       "Mornin'," Ruby opened his eyes a bit and stroked my arm that loosely held his torso.

       "Morning," I replied. I tightened my grip on him, moving closer. "Do you have to do anything today?"

       "Yeah, actually," he said, grabbing his phone from the nightstand. "I have a meeting in a few hours with Scott and our manager. Then we'll prolly stop by the studio to finalize some tracks."


       "You gon' be okay here by yourself? I can bring you wit' me, no one's gon' mind."

       I thought for a second. "It's fine. I can stay."

       "Are you sure? I ain't playin' around, ion' want you gettin' hurt."

       "Don't worry too much about me, okay?"

       He shifted on the bed to face me and I moved my arm. "Where's your anxious attitude? This don't seem like you."

     "I dunno," I started. "I feel a lot better today. Shit still sucks, but I don't feel like my organs are gonna explode anymore."

     Ruby laughed, and I laughed too. It seemed like so long since the vibe around us felt this light and easy. It wasn't all good, I know, but it was much better than before. After a few more minutes of talking, we got up and moved to the bathroom. He started the shower and pulled my oversized shirt off me. We undressed each other and finally got under the steaming water. Feeling his hands run all along my body, I melted into his form. He kissed my head, then moved me to wet my hair.

     We cleaned each other and kissed and laughed when the other dropped something. He put my nipple in his mouth, I held his dick in my hand and playfully squeezed it. Since he had to be out of the house at a certain time, we didn't have sex. Last night's was good enough for two days, honestly. It was like nothing we'd ever done before, it was more intense and passionate.

     Ruby patted me head playfully, then turned the water off and got out. I pinched his back as I got out behind him, squeezing a sizable chunk of the fat near his ribcage.

     "Come on, that's disrespectful," he laughed.

     "Deal with it, babe."

     Ruby wrapped me in a towel before putting his own around his hips. We walked into our respective bedrooms to dress. I wore a casual outfit; baggy sweats and a black tank top. After pulling on a pair of crew socks, I went to see Ruby in his room.

     He looked up at me from his squatted position, eyed my outfit, and I swear I saw his mouth move into a little smile. "Lookin cute, baby."

     "Thanks. You look cute too, squatting in just underwear and socks. Really gives you an ape-like appearance," I teased.

     His eyes narrowed as he rummaged through his dresser. "Mean as fuck. I kinda miss the anxious, damsel-in-distress, manic pixie dream girl version o' you."

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