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     The flight was short but in my mind it felt like an eternity. All I was doing was worrying about if Daniel had texted me or called me; that or I was anticipating seeing Eric; I could barely handle the wait. My seat wasn't super terrible, some lady wearing a blazer sat next to me. She looked like she had some very important business to take care of once she got off the plane. Why else would she wear a blazer? Them shits are uncomfortable.

     I shook away my dumbass fashion musings as it was announced that we would be landing shortly. My stomach was tied in knots, it was finally happening.

     After gathering all my things, AKA my busted up suitcase, I made my way into the unfamiliar airport. It was bigger than the one in Jersey so now more people surrounded me than I was used to. As I looked around, I saw families who were obviously on vacation, business people looking way too serious for their own good, and countless others who were here for their own reasons entirely; just like I was. I kept looking at everyone around me as I slowly trudged over to a seat, hoping to find Eric somewhere among the unfamiliar faces.

     While I sat, I took my phone from my shorts' pocket and turned it on. My heart raced as the screen told me it was setting up everything. If I turned my phone on and saw that Daniel had called or texted, I was sure I'd pass the fuck out from fear. The screen finally displayed the time, date, and my lockscreen background that was a drawing of a smiley face masked man in a cloak, giving a thumbs up over the brutally murdered body of some poor bastard. I smiled at the sight, there were no notifications at all. Taking that into consideration, I decided I should call Eric.

     I tapped his name in my contacts, he was saved as "Eric 👻" because, well, the whole "ghostemane" thing. I brought the phone up to my ear and nervously ran a hand through my hair. The line rang once, then twice, until he finally picked up in the middle of the third ring.

     "What's good?" Eric asked, I could practically hear the shit eating grin this son of a bitch had on his face.

     I laughed quietly before answering, "Oh you know... sitting in the airport waiting for my friend."

     "Wow, what a shitty friend; not being on time and all,"

     "Yeah... he kinda sucks,"

     Eric winced, then replied, "Ouch."

     "I love him anyways," I said, finally ending our little charade. "So where are you?"

     "I just parked, I'm aboutta go in," Eric said. I gave a quiet sigh of relief. In a few minutes, all my worries would fade away. Hopefully.


     The drive to Eric's apartment lasted around 30 minutes, but with our shared music tastes it didn't seem long at all. I got out of the car and made my way to the back doors to get my suitcase. Once I had everything I needed, Eric & I went into the apartment building and, to my dismay, took the elevator to the 5th floor. Yes, I am a 20 year old who is afraid of elevators. Fuck right off.

     Eric's apartment was located in the back of the floor and off to the left side. I'd expected him to live in a less closed-off environment but my doubts were quickly shut down once he opened the door.

     The place was bigger than two of my ex's apartments combined. The front room was an open concept plan with the living room to my left & kitchen to my right looking in from the doorway. The floors were a dark hardwood which complimented the grey furniture. There was a hallway leading out of the living room, then a wider hallway leading from behind the middle of the living room & kitchen that extended quite a bit. Doors on the walls of that hallway hid the rest of the rooms from my view. I counted four of them.

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