If Nobody Can Agree On What Somebody Has Said, Have They Said Anything At All?

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     "Yeah, two minutes my pulsing ass." One week had passed. I remembered my little promise I made to myself; take a test in one week, just to make absolute sure it worked. Don't be a jerkoff.

     And I wouldn't be a jerkoff. But I was growing increasingly impatient with the pregnancy test. The box said two minutes and by now it was pushing five. To calm my nerves, I left the bathroom and went into the living room. Wait a few hours, forget about it until I needed to use the bathroom again. Perfect plan.

     I sat on the couch and switched on the TV. Thing is, I was confident about the test coming out negative until it decided to be a dick and not live up to the two minutes it was supposed to take. Soon, my phone vibrated. When I checked it, I was instantly reminded of that random number claiming to know Ruby. After a whole week, they decided to message back.

(386) - xxx - xxxx

Sorry girl, cracked my phone and had to get the screen replaced. Here's a pic of me and him when we were kids:


Don't laugh, it was a long time ago haha. I think that was our 8th grade formal.

     I opened the picture and read the messages over and over again. I wasn't sure if the picture was easily found online or not, but I still wasn't really buying it.


its alright

also maybe you could send more proof like, somethin i wouldn't be able to find on instagram?

     If she was being genuine, I'd feel bad for being rude and badgering her to prove herself. The only way to keep my anxiety under control was being absolutely sure shit was okay. This person being a fake would definitely make shit hit the fan, because she has my phone number.

(386) - xxx - xxxx

Of course. His number is (xxx) - xxx - xxxx and his address is xxx xxxx xx., Louisiana.

     I stared, shocked. No, I didn't know his address, but the number was correct. Sure, people could get your address and phone number from the internet, but Ruby was a private person. He told me once that he had to change his number three times in one month because of insane people. But okay, maybe this woman was an old friend of his. What could she possibly want from me? So I answered.


umm okay

what do you need to talk to me about?

(386) - xxx - xxxx

I just feel like I should warn you... he's not what you think

Ugh! It's so hard to explain over text. I'm at work right now so I can't call.

Do you think you could meet up one day? I live in Florida, too (at the moment) so maybe we could go to a Starbucks or something?

     What the hell? In a way, I understood. And it was comforting that she wanted to meet somewhere public as opposed to her house or some random coordinates. But I didn't wanna answer. I didn't know what to say. I checked the time - 6:30 p.m. - and got up to go to the bathroom, leaving my phone face down on the couch. I'd rather deal with a wonky pregnancy test than some lady who might be a kidnapper.

     Yup, totally would. Especially since the test should be negative. And when I entered the room and turned on the light, my decisions came through and slapped me hard in the face.


     Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Holy shit. The word glared at me with a sort of arrogance. I shut my eyes and opened them again, hoping it was a hallucination. Nope. It was disgustingly real and didn't go away no matter what.

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