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"Arthur, don't forget to send the spreadsheets."


"And don't forget to email about the meeting..."

"Yes, I know..."

"And also, don't forget about the party; you have to verify the guest list..."

"Yes, I've been on it. Is there anything else you want to add to the list?"

"Whoa, what you can do is watch your tone..."

"My tone was normal..."

This was Lovino...

He was about to be my former boss in a few more minutes. I knew it...deep down.

"That tone right there! If I didn't know any better, you were giving me attitude! Get me a coffee!" He demanded. He was like this to everyone, so I shouldn't take it personally, but for some reason.


"What? I suggest you get me a coffee or you will lose your job! Honestly, you should be grateful for working here; I'm kind to you! You could be stuck with an employer that is crueller!"

I was starting to get annoyed the more he spoke.

"Get me a coffee; you get paid to do as I say! Do it! And get on with all the tasks I assigned you! You useless, good-for-nothing assistant!"

I lost it.

I ripped the documents in my hands in two, throwing them in his face. "I quit! I'd rather be homeless than work for a piece of shit like you!" I spoke. I raised my voice slightly, and he looked at me in shock.

I wasn't the type to quit jobs suddenly, especially since I didn't have the most money to quit, just a bit. But he had been pushing my buttons for the last year. My poor communications degree went down the drain! If only someone warned me my degree would be useless, I wouldn't have chosen it. Let alone go to college.




"Screw You!"

I began walking away from him, and everyone stared at me, shocked. I would be the fifth person this month who walked out because of him. He didn't seem as terrible now, but he was the worst in the past. Today I had been fed up.

My name is Arthur Kirkland! I am a twenty-three-year-old who worked in an office that worked to sell weight loss products to dumb Americans willing to buy them. I am single, have no girlfriend, no life or prospects, and have two roommates. All I ever wanted in life was to live in peace and tranquility, but now that I've quit my job, it would be hard to deal with that.

I left the office quickly, not bothering to look back. I was grateful that I didn't have a life, so I had savings that would last me a bit till I got another job.

My life wasn't all terrible. I mean, I was pretty happy. I had a dog named Orange...because he was a corgi. They are orange, right? Or have I lost my marbles already?


As I walked home, I decided to sit on one of the nearby benches near the pavement. "What a load of bullshit," I groaned. I didn't want to eat at my savings, so I really didn't have much leeway for a break. I needed to start looking for a job soon.

I sat on the bench, looking to the small centre in front of me. I don't want to be anything! I don't want to work a pathetic job, I don't want to stress about money, and I don't want to do anything! I just want to be alone in


A man falling to the ground before me snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh my! Are you alright?" I asked. I quickly stood up, rushing to the man who had fallen on his arse. He was tall, thin, blonde, and looked like an absolute mess. It seemed like he had been running before he tripped and fell.

"I asked to be given help, but no..."

I reached a hand out to him, but he was still processing that he had fallen. "Are you okay? Here, let me help!" I spoke. He looked up at me for a moment, meeting my eyes. He didn't seem in pain, just surprised to have seen me.

"Thank you...I didn't mean to disturb your thinking..."

"Oh, it's no bother, I...I was just sitting here," I explained. I helped him up and did my best to dust off his coat. "Well, can I join you? I'm so tired!"


I helped him to sit down on the bench I was on, and he smiled at me. I have no idea who this man is; he just showed up out of nowhere. Well, it is a park, so, I assume random people would show up."So, my name is Francis. What's yours?!" He seemed to be overly happy.

Definitely a weirdo.


"Arthur! Lovely, and what brought you here to this bench of all places? No worries, you are in luck to talk to me."

I looked at him a bit nervously, and he somehow could tell I was hesitating to talk to him. However, he seemed oddly interested in me. He even came a bit closer. "Well, I'm not having a jolly good day if that's what you are wondering! I lost my job and...well...ugh! Why am I even telling you this? I don't know what I'm supposed to do now!" I explained.

For some reason, I just said everything. I usually didn't tell someone my problems, but here I was. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that; I'm sure that is stressful," he spoke.

He started looking around anxiously, and I lifted a brow. Was he trying to look for someone? I tried looking around too, but he suddenly stopped me. He noticed this and smiled. "With my luck, you would let me kiss you," he spoke. 


The strange man grabbed my face, kissing me, and I froze. It felt like I couldn't move. I just let him kiss me. It wasn't anything crazy...he just pressed his lips against mine, but I was frozen. I couldn't do anything. "All done!" He cheered.

He pulled away from me, standing up, and I looked at him, horrified. He looked around the area as if trying to find someone again. However, it seemed suspicious, so it was more like he didn't want someone to see him. "What the hell is your problem? Why did you do that?" I asked. I stood up, angry, and all he could do was laugh at me.

"You will be fine! Trust me! A little kiss never hurt anyone. Besides, you should get a move on! You are one lucky guy...don't let losing your job bring you down. I presume you will come across enough money to last a few years!" He cheered.

"Eh? What are you talking about? You are a crazy person, aren't you!"

"Au revoir! Good luck!"

The man dashed off, laughing, but I was flabbergasted. "I need to be on medication! What is happening?" I said to myself. I looked at the direction the man ran off in, turning around. I just needed to go home.

"EXCUSE ME, SIR! SIR! YOU ARE OUR LUCKY WINNER FOR TODAY! You've been selected to win 300,000 pounds!" A lady with a microphone approached me, and more surrounded me as I was handed a check for just that amount.

What the hell?...


"Don't worry, sir! Everyone is always shocked! What would you like to say to the camera?!" A camera was shoved in my face, and I looked ahead...shocked. "I'm very confused..." I spoke. However, the chaos only got more confusing.

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