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~Third pov~

Francis didn't intend for things to go as they have been. He didn't mean to involve anyone else, especially people who felt inconvenienced by his presence. He didn't mean to do everything he had been doing until now, but they happened. Because of it, it's led him and the people around him into rabbit holes that were too far from getting out of.

He wasn't sure why Arthur came to the building alone. He didn't understand why someone with no interest in what was happening could go and find a building that could be dangerous. And he did not want to try and cross that bridge with him. Even if right now wasn't the moment to begin his interrogation, he was preparing a list of questions.

Francis was the only one who wouldn't be affected by his luck, so he stood still, waiting for everything to start, with coincidence, of course.

This wasn't created magic; it was luck, nature's natural magic.

As everything grew sunny and happy, the people around Arthur and him began to sing and dance.

"Do you hear that, toon?" Someone sang, and so, music began. From where it came from, Francis didn't know. When things like this started, the twist was always a shock.

"I think about that day, the one that takes me far away!" More sang. Francis couldn't help but stand still, trying not to laugh. The people who were chasing him began dancing, making him stand still, shocked.

Arthur was watching the scene in shock, looking at everything change slowly. "And I hear them every day, calling me to enjoy the grey!" They continued. Francis stood back momentarily, still placing his hand on Arthur's shoulder. However, his demeanour changed once Francis lifted his hand.

This was the first time Francis had used his luck on so many people. Arthur's pupils expanded, and for once, he looked so happy that someone would have thought he was mad.

"And you know what I say? Those things won't stay but go away! Into an array of sparks!" Arthur had been affected too and tried to dance off with the other people, but Francis stopped him.

"Oh, no! Come on! We don't want to interrupt them," Francis tried to laugh off. It was like the musicals. This is why Francis asked Arthur; he didn't want it overwhelming. The situation, that is. He knew they would not make it far and had to do something big.

It didn't take long for Arthur to get out of Francis's grasp and join the crowd in song and dance. "We were oh so true, but I just knew! What I had to do!" The crowd sang. Who knows what they were losing their mind over?

Francis ran to Arthur, trying to grab him, but he continued to dance. Somehow, streamers were thrown everywhere, making everything look colourful, as Francis looked at everyone, shocked. Could I control minds too? Francis thought. What he had done scared him a little.

"Yes, it's another day!"

"A WONDERFUL DAY! No more Grey in this beautiful array!"

"Who says there isn't a way someone can achieve this DAY!"

"Yes, another day of sun!"

"More of this day that has begun!"

Francis had stood still, watching this musical number turn more chaotic as more and more people joined. However, he knew he couldn't stick around. He saw that those people who had been chasing them joined the crowd.

Francis never saw their faces, they always had hoods on, but he always assumed that the reason for that was obvious. He knew deep down that it could be someone he knew. He made the mistake of trusting someone and was worried it was coming back for him. However, he stressed if that was his paranoia talking to him.

He manoeuvred around people to get closer to Arthur; he was primarily worried about him above everyone else, even himself, despite him being the one in danger. The Frenchman felt deep down that despite Arthur's efforts to get rid of him; he knew he cared deep down. It was enough for him to grow attached to this grumpy individual who always looked fed up with everyone.

"ARTHUR! We have to go!" Francis demanded.

He pulled Arthur quickly, but Arthur still wanted to be with everyone. "What? Why?" Arthur asked. He pulled his hand away a bit aggressively, making Francis turn to him, annoyed. I can't lose my mind; he is in a trance, Francis thought.

It was his fault, after all, so he couldn't be upset. He already knew Arthur would be.

"No! I want to continue—"

"No, it is over! See!"

Francis pointed to the crowd, and as luck would have it, and perfect timing, everyone froze, finishing the musical number. "ALRIGHT, CUT! Great job, everyone! Go ahead and take thirty!" Someone spoke. They used what looked like a Hollywood film box prop to signify the shoot was finished. In this case, the musical number.


"Oh, I guess they were filming a movie," Francis laughed. However, it did not make Arthur laugh. He turned to Francis, livid. So livid that his face turned red from the anger. After promising not to do it again, he did it again! Arthur thought.

However, he didn't yell at Francis for what he had done. "Where are you going?" Francis asked. Arthur had begun walking in a direction, and all Francis could do, was stare confused.

"Home," Arthur spat.

Arthur had his hands balled into a fist, resisting the urge to punch the frog-eater again.

"Hey! Wait up!"

"I mean, seriously? How could you? I trusted your word, and you threw it in my face!"

"I was only doing it to help us escape! I knew they would have caught us!"

Arthur stopped momentarily, twisting around on his heels to face him. He pointed a finger at Francis, causing him to stop talking. "Making that decision wasn't for you to do! I told you I don't like it when you do that! However, you've crossed the line!"

Francis grew attached to Arthur to the point where he did care what he thought about him, and right now, it only made him sad as he aggressively pointed his finger at him. For some reason, the sky had turned eery, and the sun was clouded. Soon, droplets.

"I'm sorry! Please, listen to me! Those people aren't people you should snoop around alone! You are lucky I was here! They could have caught you!"

"I'd be better off without you here! All you have done is stress me out and play with my mind!"

Sometimes, a thought crosses my mind that he was the reason I had a soft spot for him, as if he were using his luck on me to get me to like him. It feels sick and twisted. Arthur thought.

"I'm sorry, I just...needed help! I really like being around you, Alfred, and Matthew; you've helped me so much," Francis spoke. Arthur turned around as rain began to pour. Much of it fell straight onto him, but for Francis, he had somehow been shielded by a cover he had been standing under.

"I want you gone! I don't want any of us involved with you anymore. It's dangerous, right? That is what you were implying? So, I don't want them hurt and don't care about helping a manipulative jerk like you!" Arthur snapped. He began to walk away, but Francis didn't give up; he only began to follow him. However, Arthur was going to do everything he could to ignore him.

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