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I got home a bit terrified. They quite literally wrote me a check for 300,000 pounds. What the hell am I supposed to do? I mean, sure, this is good, I won't have to go to work anymore, at least for a while, but WHAT THE HELL?

"Artie! We just saw you on the news! Is it true?"

"The news?..."

"Yeah! You won money!"

I stared at Alfred and Matthew as they stared at me, concerned. I looked at the tv, seeing people talking about me. They used a photo of me, and I looked terrified and frazzled. I couldn't help but blink my eyes, confused.

"Yeah...I suppose so... um...I lost my job today," I spoke. They both looked at me concerned and laughed. "Well, aren't you lucky! Winning money the same day you lose your job! Don't let it get to your head," Matthew laughed. However, I didn't laugh. I just stood still, horrified.

300,000 pounds? That's...well, it's a life changer. I could buy a house! Maybe move far away! I could...I'll be...just fine...

"Umm...excuse me...I think I need to be alone for a moment."

"Huh? Are you okay?" Alfred tried to ask. However, I walked straight to my room. I closed the door behind me and quickly undressed. All of this seemed so weird. I must be one lucky son of a bitch!

I took out the check to look at it and was still in shock. How the hell am I supposed to deposit this? And taxes? I'm so very confused. Or maybe this was a weird dream? And why does everyone not find this weird? I mean, everyone is acting out of character.

Yes! I'll sleep this off, and everything will be normal in the morning! That is the only explanation. I mean, what if people come after me for all this money? Why did my face have to be plastered all over the television?!

"Blast all!"

If I was going, to be honest, today seemed as if it were going fast. As if so many things were happening all at once. Or that the day had somehow skipped. I couldn't put my finger on it, and it was making me feel anxious.


"ARTHUR! WAKE UP!" The sudden movement on my bed caused me to shoot right up, looking to Alfred, who had done his best to pull me out of bed. "What? What do you want?!"

"There is press here! They want to talk to you!"


"It's true, eh? They won't go away!" I looked to the right, seeing Matthew staring out the window. How did they find me? And why would they want to find me? "Mattie, get away from the window! They will know we are home!" Alfred spoke. I quickly stood up from my bed, feeling discombobulated.

It was too soon and too early to be dealing with this.

I quickly pulled Matthew away from the window, shutting the curtains. "What the hell is going on?" I asked. Alfred pulled me to the living room, where the television had been playing. I could hear bits and pieces of the lady talking about me, the winner of the prize money. Great! I was sure to be on someone's hit list now!

"I am not sure! But you are all over the news! Somehow, they found out where you live!"

"You mean where WE live!"

I want this to go away!

A sudden banging on the door caused all of us to jump and Alfred to scream. "Seriously? They found out our apartment?" I asked, horrified. "This has to be a violation of our rights. Is that a thing?" Alfred asked. I shrugged my shoulders at him and nearly fell over the sofa as the banging increased.

"I'll just open it!" Matthew spoke. Alfred had tried stopping him, but he still went anyway. "Wait, are you sure? What if they try and rob us?" I asked.

"Us? No! You...maybe!" Alfred laughed.


Matthew unlocked the door slowly, but someone barged in before he could twist the knob. "Whoa!"

"FINALLY! I was waiting for you to open the door! Oh, you have roommates! Very cool, I thought you lived alone!"

It was...the guy from yesterday?

"You? What are you doing here?" I rushed behind the sofa to escape him, but he still tried coming closer. "Arthur? You know him?"

"Yes! We met yesterday! I kissed him!"

"HEY! Don't tell them that!"


And here comes the dramatization.

"I always knew deep down you were fruity...but I had faith you'd marry a nice girl—"


Alfred pretended to cry, and Matthew comforted him with a small laugh. "I've been trying to find you everywhere! With my luck! I found you within an hour!"

"An hour?! But how? Why?" I asked. He and I kept running in circles around the sofa, as those idiots didn't seem to care.

"Well, I needed help! I saw you on tv! And with my luck, I asked around! The first person I asked was apparently your neighbour! They gave me your address! Then, I needed help finding your actual apartment, so I told the news reporters you lived here! And they gave me your apartment number—"


How the?

WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY? AND WHY IS HE IN MY HOME?! I don't know him, and I don't want any part of it; all I want is to enjoy the one day off I'm finally able to have!

"Yes! I needed to find you! Sorry if this is sudden, but you were the only person I wanted to go to!" He spoke. This man looked overjoyed to have found me, but I felt terrified. I was pissed at everything!

"Look, I don't know you! I don't know why you are here, but you must leave!"

"What? But why?" He whined. I was so taken aback that I started to stutter my words. "Why?...wha...uh...? What?...are you fucking...asking me bloody why? I don't know you! You are probably a stalker, that's for true!"

"Oh, your accent is so cute! British people remind me of little bitty bunnies!" He cheered. He looked at me, amused, and Alfred and Matthew just accepted that this weird man was in our home.

"I can't leave! I need your help!"


I was about to lose it.

"These bad people are after me...I need help hiding for a bit..."

"Pass! Get out!"

"Eh? Seriously? Man...I really didn't want to use force!" He spoke. I looked at him worried, but he kept a smile on his face. "Although...with my luck, I was sure you'd let me stay! Yup! I was sure you'd let me stay for as long as needed!" He spoke.

The boys looked at him sadly and then approached him. "Of course, you can stay with us! Arthur is just confused! He will be okay with it!" Alfred spoke. Once again, I was blindsided, but the anger I once felt suddenly vanished. "Well...okay...as long as it isn't too long..." I spoke.

"Really? Fantastic! With my luck, I knew you would be cool with it! Now we can have sleepovers and eat dinner together! Sleep in the same bed! You will have a blast! Now that you don't have to work; we can get to know each other!"


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