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I woke up rather quickly the next morning. I sprung right out of bed, suddenly feeling everything hit me. "Wow! I thought you'd never wake up!" That annoying voice chirped. I felt immense anger as I turned to him, sitting in my bedroom chair, playing with a Rubik's cube that I assumed was Alfred's. "YOU! What did you do to me?" I asked. I aggressively stood up, walking toward him, and he braced himself.

"With my luc—OW!"

I punched him across the face before he could finish his sentence, and he looked at me, shocked. "Okay, I expected that, but what the hell—?"

I punched him again, and this time he fell over to the side. "Okay, I deserve that. It is my fault for not specifying how many times I'd get hit," he spoke. I wanted so badly to strike him again, but I needed answers.

"You are behind this! So tell me everything! What do you want with me?!" I yelled. I grabbed him by his collar, shaking him back and forth as he looked discombobulated. I could hear running coming from down the hallway, and I knew it was Matthew and Alfred. "Whoa! Calm down! I'll explain everything properly, but you must let me go first!" He spoke.

I slowly let go of him, but still holding him close, and he actually looked relieved I had done what he said. I mean, I would hope he wasn't mind-controlling me somehow.

"ARTHUR? Is everything okay—whoa...did we come in at the wrong time?"



I dropped Francis to the ground, hearing the sweet sound of his body making a thud noise. He held his side in response. Honestly, idiots!

"And the two of you? You are just normal with this?" I asked. I looked at them, shocked, but they just twiddled their thumbs. "Well, we didn't say that...more like coping mechanisms...by making jokes," Alfred spoke. I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing Francis again. In which he looked at me, terrified. I wonder if Francis somehow made it to where they weren't effected as much.

"You are going to tell us everything!" I demanded. I began dragging him, and Matthew looked at me, worried. "Maybe calm down a bit; I am sure he has a good explanation!" Matthew spoke. He always saw the good in everyone, so he loved to hear people out. But me? No, I'd rather punch my way through problems, just like Alfred.

"You are a saint, Matthew!" Francis spoke, pretending to cry. I dragged him out of my room into the main living space, tossing him to the sofa like a pillow. "Okay! I see you are upset! My bad! But hear me out!" He started. He fixed himself up and smiled at us nervously.


"Alright, fine...You see... I don't know how I got these...well... this phenomenon started over a month ago! So I'm still learning a few things. Anyway, I had let it slip about this weird thing happening to me, and my ex-coworker called some people to investigate me. Long story short, the people he called were some weird paranormal believers who had been chasing me around England for three weeks. It is silly! But I'm starting to get freaked out! I would try and use my luck to make them forget, but it goes away! I'm not sure what I'm doing, if I'm going to be honest! But what happened the other day really helped me. They somehow found me and started to chase me! But this time, they had weapons! I'm not sure what to do! Then I fell in front of you when I asked my luck for help, and well...I am all alone and figured this was the best option!"

He looked at us worried, but I was somehow still pissed, despite his explanation.

"This phenomenon...you called it luck? What does that mean?" Matthew asked. He began to sit down, listening, and Francis shrugged. "Well! It is what I say! I'm very lucky! Sometimes I can do things without saying, 'With my luck,' but most times I need to say it. I don't know what I'm doing! It suddenly happened, but I just thought I was some lucky son of a bitch! However, it got more bizarre and, well...now...I can do a lot more."

"Seems like you can control people more than it being luck..." Alfred spoke. He looked confused, and I stopped being angry. I think now I was more curious. Now, seeing how the trance they were in suddenly faded, and they looked concerned.

"It's definitely more luck! Like the other day, with Arthur! I said he'd win money!" Francis spoke. He looked frazzled with everything, like he had been through so much within a month. "So, wouldn't that be a jinx?" I finally spoke. Francis smiled at me awkwardly, shaking his head.

"Well...no...being a jinx is more bad luck...I suppose you can say that I can do both...good and bad luck. But mostly, good luck to me! Obviously!"

"Prove it!" I demanded. I wanted to see it again. "Ehhh? I'm sure you have enough proof!" He spoke. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, but I wanted to ensure I wasn't losing my mind. "Just something easy; I just want to be sure!" I explained.

Francis scratched the back of his head, nodding. "Well...let's see...with my luck, you will get on your knees," he spoke, looking at me. Then suddenly, as if I couldn't control my movements. My legs dropped, and I was on my knees, horrified.

I think it scared me more than anything, and everyone noticed. They stared at me, shocked. "Oh...okay... well...I need time to process this...sorry, I've never seen anyone with..."

"Yes, I know! That's why I need help!" He begged. He looked so frustrated, and I felt bad. But then again, I didn't want to be a part of this. "I have no one else to go to! If I did, I wouldn't rely on a random stranger I kissed in the middle of the street!" He spoke, rolling his eyes.

"Well, what do you expect us to do?" Alfred asked.

"I'm not sure! Maybe if you can help me find out who those men are, I can find a way to get them to lay off! I mean, that's the only thing I could think of!" Francis explained.

"Oh! Matthew can help! He works in criminal science! He knows how to find people!" Alfred cheered. I nodded in agreement, and he seemed proud. Matthew looked embarrassed and flustered; he didn't like being put on the spot. "Yes! And I am in cyber security! We can go full-on spy mode and kick some ass! Like a superhero team! So cool! ALLWEJUSTNEEDISASUPERHEROMONTAGE!" Alfred cheered.

Francis stood up excited and began to hold Alfred.

"You'd really do that? For me?"

"YES! Even if you took over our minds for the past few days, this is super cool! And I'm totally into killer sick stuff like this!"

"And you? What do you do?" Francis asked me, excited.

"Well...I have a degree in communications...I used to sell...diet pills..." I explained.

How lame...

"Oh..." Francis spoke, disappointed. "He needs a degree to help him talk to people, lame...MATTIE AND I WILL HELP!"

"Yeah, I won't be much help, so I'm going back to bed!" I spoke. I began to walk away, and I could hear Alfred and Francis gasp. I wanted to be alone! In peace!  "HUH? But why?" Francis called. I turned around to look at them, giving me puppy dog eyes. "Frankly, I could care less!" I smiled. Francis looked at me, stunned. His eyes widened, and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Oh..." he spoke dumbly. As dumb as any dummy could muster up a dumb sound.

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