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Francis followed behind me as we entered the apartment. I was done with him! I was calling those men to get him out of my life.

"Is everything alright?" Matthew tried to ask. However, I kept walking to my room, closing the door behind me so Francis would not try coming in. "Arthur? Hey! I'm sorry, please. Can we talk?" He tried asking as he knocked on my door. I furrowed my brows, frustrated.

All of this felt so confusing; I couldn't understand what was real anymore regarding my feelings. He did this when I was gaining a soft spot for him! He screwed up! And now, I don't know if I could trust him again.

"Come on, open the door!" Francis tried to say.

"Why? You can make me do it anyway, so why would I do it on my own?"

"Oh—don't be like that! I had to do it! Or else those people would have caught us!"

"Not a valid excuse!"

I rested my head against the door, hearing shuffling. "What happened?" Matthew asked. I was sure those two were worried about me too. I don't need them to worry about me! I only wanted to have a single day off! One where I could sleep in or eat some nonsense. Anything! Anything but this.

I got curious...but that won't happen again.

"He asked me to stop using my luck on him, but I did it anyway. Those people chased us, and I knew we would not lose them. So I used it on so many people today, but I'M SORRY!"

"Go AWAY!"

"Arthur, grow up! It's not a big deal," Alfred spoke. Of course, he was taking his side. "Stay out of it! I don't like it, and he needs to respect it!" I answered.

"He didn't mean any harm, I mean, it can be confusing, but he doesn't mean any harm; sometimes it's good to trust people and their intentions," Matthew tried to defend him. Not him too. "I don't need to trust him! I don't know him!" I spoke.

I could hear the boys groaning at my reaction. What do they expect from me? I'm only twenty-three. I know they are younger, but still! I don't like people poking around my head. It's invasive and insensitive to how I feel. It doesn't matter who he is or the relationship we have. Francis was barely a friend in my eyes. Why should I treat him as if he has been more? All he has done is broken my trust constantly. I feel as though I'm not me! I mean, what if he was affecting me more than he knew, or I know?

"Just give him some space; he will come around. Just come and look at the list of people Mattie found," Alfred spoke. I suppose they did what I suggested. But that was it for me; I was going to call those people.

I rushed over to my nightstand, shuffling through the drawer to find the card Antonio and Gilbert gave me. I held the small card in my hand, taking out my phone.

This ends here.

I don't care how those two will feel after this or Francis.

I began dialling the number, which was picked up instantly, to my surprise.



"Fantastic! We have been waiting for your call...so, are you willing to help us?" His voice sounded like Gilbert's. I wasn't sure. "Yes, I just need him gone! But...I don't want issues in my home; can't you find him elsewhere?" I asked. He laughed a little over the phone and stayed silent. It spoke volumes.

"Well, that would be hard....if you want that, you'd need to lure him somewhere, and we will have a plan to ensure he was captured! All you have to do is bring him!" He spoke. That could work. Just ask him to go with me somewhere; I knew he'd say yes. He always wanted to join me for walks, so what was the difference? I didn't see this as a problem.

"Alright, I can do that...just..."

Then it hit me.

I argued with him right now. He would not try to be around me after that argument. He will want to keep his distance for a bit.

"What's the issue?"

"Uhh...can you give me a few days? I have a few things to take care of. How about next Saturday? It gives me a full week to ensure everything runs smoothly," I tried to explain. I could hear his chuckle on the other side, but it didn't bother me much. "We can arrange something for Saturday. I will send you details of where to meet. Or, better yet, send us your location; we will be sure to keep a close eye," he spoke.

It seemed a little weird, but...I agreed.

"Okay..." I spoke. I had separated my phone from my face to share my location with him. "Great, we will be in touch; goodbye," he spoke. Before I could say anything back, he hung up, and I was left speechless. I had been sitting on my bed, so once the conversation was over, I threw myself over it.

There was part of me feeling guilty already, but I couldn't! This was his fault! If he had just done as I said, none of this would be happening. It was too late! I made up my mind!


That night, I left my room to get something to drink and to check on Orange. He was in his kennel and would get lonely, so I wanted to ensure he was okay. However, that idiot would be there in the living space. I was sure he would be struggling not to talk to me. I'm sure he got the hint that I was upset, so I don't see him approaching me.

I left my room slowly, walking toward the kitchen, and immediately his eyes darted at me. "Arthur," he spoke in a soft, clear voice. It sounded more relieved to have seen me.

I didn't say anything to him, but to my surprise, he followed me into the kitchen as I went toward Orange. "What do you want?" I asked, annoyed. I really did not think he would try and talk to me.

"Oh, well...I'm sorry..."

"So you say, but that doesn't make anything better!"

"I know! But please! I...I'm still learning, okay...and I made a mistake again. It isn't an excuse after what you demanded, but I was worried we wouldn't be able to escape them. So...you can be mad at me forever! I'll handle it, but believe it or not, I do care about you—"

"You don't know me!"

"Then let me!"

He pulled me to look at him, and our eyes met. For once, we had stared at each other longer than a second. Even though I was trying to be angry at him, I couldn't as he gently touched my shoulders. Rubbing them softly and moving them down my arms.

"Why? We met by mistake! It could have been anyone sitting on that bench; I was just unlucky!"

"It was meant to happen! Because of my luck! You were meant to sit there! We were meant to meet each other. I'm not sure it's luck; I think it was fate!"

"Shut up! That is stupid!"

It made me laugh a bit. How silly he sounded.

"I'm serious! I've grown to enjoy your company! So, please, let me learn more about you! Please! I'm sorry! For everything! You won't regret it!" He spoke. He placed his hands together in a begging position. "Besides, don't they say, third time a charm?" He smirked.

I hated him so much, but it made me smile.



"Saturday! We will go out! Just us! We can learn more about each other! So? How about it?" I smiled. This idiot was going to fall right into my trap. "As luck would have it, I am free all day Saturday and would love to join you!"

"Perfect! We will go out together, Saturday, at...twenty-one."

"Yes! A DATE!"

"No! We are just friends!"

"Oh? So we are friends now?"

"No—that's not what I...ugh! No! As people who know each other!"


He laughed a little at me, placing his hand over his mouth. It was a little cute and made me smile. I was going to make sure he would eat his apology. I wasn't going to back down. I just needed to wait for Saturday.

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