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I approached the odd bakery around noon. There didn't seem to be many people out in this area, so I needed to be extra careful. As I walked to the back of the building, it finally occurred to me...

"What the hell am I doing? For Francis?" I whispered. I groaned at the realization. I either got extremely annoyed or protective when it came to men. I wouldn't say I was being protective of him because I was worried he would get captured, but most of this was driven by my curiosity. I am very much eager for him to be out of my life, so I was going to speed things along. While also passing the time.

I hid behind a rubbish bin and looked to the back entrance. It looked like the people who owned the shop owned the entire building. I crept closer and pushed my body against the wall, looking around.

I wasn't going to lie, but if I were to get into a physical altercation, I'd probably lose. My only option is to run away. This company is powerful, so I need to tread carefully. I looked into one of the windows and saw the building was empty.

It looked empty, but there were a few crates here and there. The room was lit up by whatever light was coming through the window and from the light hanging in the centre. There emerged two men talking in the centre, and I assumed it was Antonio and Gilbert.  They had the same body stature, so it only made sense.

The only terrible thing about it was I couldn't hear them. They seemed relatively a good distance away. There were even some crates big enough to cover me. I put my hoodie over my head, tightening the strings so no one could see my face.

I was going in.

I placed my hand on the doorknob, slowly opening it. There wasn't a squeak or loud sound as I entered the building, slowly closing the door behind me and finally hearing them talk.

"We can always just barge in and take him!"

"Yeah, and he will do the same thing he always does: talk!"

"I'm sure Arthur will consider it... especially if we tell him, Francis is only using them. He will understand!"

"Yeah? And we've waited long enough! We need to take him out. Shoot his legs, maybe!"

"We still have that tranquillizer. All we have to do is get far away from him and shoot him! He will stay out for days. Probably would sleep through most of the surgery!"


I continued to watch them. I wonder if there was somehow a possibility that they knew the co-worker that told on Francis. Say...why do they want to experiment on him, anyway? I mean, what do they plan to gain from him? Besides the obvious? I mean, how would they know how to replicate something like that if that's what they were after?

Either way...it can't be good. I need to look at the list of coworkers Matthew planned on having. I slowly backed away from the crate I was hiding behind, and one of the floorboards squeaked under my feet.

The terror I felt as their heads shot in my direction. It was like I physically saw my would leave my body. "WHO'S THERE?!" They shouted. My eyes widened, and I did the next best thing, I ran.

I turned quickly, running out the back door, but they heard me. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" One demanded. He sounded like one of the men from the other night, so I knew It had to be them. Once I was out back, I looked around the small garden and left around the building to the alleyway to make my way to the main street.


"Shit, shit, shit, this was a bad idea..."

I began to run faster toward the main street but immediately ran into someone as I turned the corner. Together the person I ran into fell across the pavement, causing me to groan and hold my side in pain. This was a bad idea.

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