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Having Francis come with me would have been a great opportunity for me to ask more about his situation, but the image of my brother looking disgusted clouded my mind. Also, I suppose it would help to think of what to ask Francis.

I mean, how exactly was I supposed to bring up what happened? There was a reason he didn't tell me. I only see him telling me when he feels we are close enough. However, I don't think I can force a relationship like that. To force myself to be friends with someone like him? It was hard.

I looked at the sky as I waited for Orange to do his business. It was cloudy, as usual. "I wish there were a bit of sun, at least," I groaned. I looked out to the pond I was near, following behind Orange wherever he walked.

Then suddenly, as if a miracle happened. The sky cleared, exposing the sun. Everyone in the small park looked up, shocked at the sudden exposure. Even if it was still cold, the sun shone a rainbow. Birds began to chirp, and everything seemed vibrant. "That's weird..." I whispered.

"Sorry...I thought it would make you happy."

My eyes widened, and I turned to my left, seeing Francis. He smiled at me, awkwardly, and Orange tried to go toward him. "How long were you standing there?" I asked. I walked closer to him so Orange wouldn't choke himself trying to get closer.

"Only a minute...I heard what you said. Although you seem accustomed to the gloominess, I think the sunshine compliments you the most," he smiled, hopeful. I rolled my eyes at him, giving a thumbs down. "The more you try talking to me, the less time you spend finding those people!"

"Honestly, if you keep rolling your eyes, they will fall to the back of your head!"

"If they were to, that's none of your concern," I laughed. Francis smiled slightly, coming beside me. "Well, I tried. It was true what I said, though. The sun...you look great in it," he spoke.

"Again, why are you here?" I asked. I began walking as Orange pulled me, and he followed beside me. "Well, I could tell you were upset. However, as to why, I wasn't sure. I assumed it somehow had something to do with your brother, but I felt asking might set you off!"

"And yet, you asked!"

"I know! Crazy, right?!" He laughed. He scratched the back of his head, smiling. However, once he stopped, he only gave me a side-eye. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I lifted a brow at him, turning away.

"How about you tell me about yourself! You seem to know more about me than I do about you! So, on with it!" I demanded. He looked at me, defeated, nodding.

"Okay, well, what do you want to know?"

"I don't know...anything...how old are you?" I asked. He smiled at me, a bit taken aback. "I'm twenty-six...you?"


"Anything else?"

"No...that's all I have right now," I said. It made me want to laugh. I wanted to ask him all these things but only went with asking his age. "I'm sorry, I just...I'm still processing everything..."

"That's fine...I'll tell you anything! Let's see...I was born in France, Strasbourg, to be exact. I have an older sister...who...I haven't seen in a while. She thinks I'm dead still, but I can't reach out to her; it would put her in danger. I studied medical research in Bordeaux. That's what I did before this...I wanted to help people. I studied medicine in the hope that one day I could save so many lives. I worked at a company before this too...where I told my ex-coworker about...myself. He thought I had died...that's what happened! An accident happened, and I was supposed to be dead, but I'm somehow still here..." he started. He seemed sad; it was genuine.

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