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I tried holding my pillow over my head to cover my ears, but it didn't help. Those three idiots were in my room, talking about finding those people. I told them I didn't want to be part of their strange operations. "Can all of you please get out of my room?" I asked. They were sitting on the floor; Francis looked over Matthew's shoulder, trying to see what he was doing on his computer.

"No! You won't join us, so we will join you!" Alfred stated.

"I have nothing useful to help you with, which is MY luck! I want to be alone! For once!" I demanded. However, they only ignored me. Except for Francis, he just stared at me curiously. I couldn't help but groan and begin to stand up. "Great, yeah, I'll be back!" I spoke.

"Where are you going?!" Francis asked. Honestly, I hardly know him, and I don't want to. What he did for me was great, but he has been playing with our minds for the past few days. What if he still was? I don't think I want to be around someone like that. If he did it once, he will do it again."None of your business!" I snapped.

I rolled my eyes at him, stomping off. I closed the room door slightly, hearing them begin to whisper. "Don't worry; Arthur is hard to connect with at first. He means well; I'm sure he is just confused about everything," Alfred spoke.

"Oh..." Francis whispered. It sounded sad, but I didn't care! Who cares if he were sad?! Not me!

"Should we go with him?" He added.

"Nah, Arthur is fine; he just needs to be alone for a bit. We'd do more harm going with him," Matthew spoke.


I stormed out of our shared apartment and began to leave the building. I wanted to go for a walk to get away from them for a bit, but also I wanted to find a store to get a snack.

Honestly, thinking about what Francis could do was a little scary. To think that people were after him seemed dangerous. He mentioned how they probably wanted to experiment on him or something. Which...how would he know that for certain if he had been avoiding them...

"Unless they had caught him...and tried..." I whispered to myself. The possible realization made me feel a bit scared for him. It was no reason why he had gotten so desperate. As much as I wanted to feel bad for him, I refused. I refuse to know any more about the situation! If I do, I will eventually feel bad, and I'm trying to be angry at him!

It wasn't good of him to manipulate us that way! No matter who he was or how much trouble he was in. He had yet to apologise, and I am extremely petty. Alfred and Matthew may be fine with it, but I'm not.

I walked a bit aggressively, seeing a small store up ahead. It was already nighttime, and I wouldn't say I like staying out. But I'm not eager to rush home either since those idiots are in MY room! And will probably follow me around.

"Hey, you!" A sudden voice spoke. I jumped at the noise, quickly turning around. Two men were standing there in nothing but black, wearing sunglasses and hoods. "Hello?" I asked, confused.

"Don't be scared! We just wanted to talk! And hopefully, you'll be interested!" The first spoke. He took off his hood, exposing his pale skin, nearly white hair, and purple-like eyes. He looked albino. "My name is Gilbert! And this, my friend, is Antonio! We needed to talk to you," he spoke.

"Hmm? About what? How do you even know me?"

"We don't want to scare you! But we had seen you on the news, and you were in the same park as someone we were looking for. The winning money seemed to be oddly surprising, and you seemed like you were confused. But...did you happen to see him?" Antonio asked. He seemed very calm, even taking out a photo, showing me Francis.

I have the worst luck ever!

"Yes, I recognize him," I admit, annoyed. They both looked thrilled and even looked at each other, relieved. "That's amazing! We are trying to look for him! Do you know where he is?" Gilbert asked.

Hmmm, these were definitely the people looking for Francis, the ones easily distracted that they couldn't see us kissing. I feel like I shouldn't tell them where he was, but I wanted to so badly.

"Ummm...I'd say so."

"What?! Can you tell us?"

"Yes, about that, why are you after him? I mean, did he do something to both of you?" I asked. They didn't seem annoyed by my question and accepted my curiosity.

"If you want, we can sit down and tell you everything; maybe it will help you trust us!"


"Come this way!"

Antonio pulled me gently past the store I was trying to go into. "Okay, but make it quick!" I demanded. They led me into an alleyway that had a singular light at the end. We didn't stand under that light but in the shadow it created.

"Look, if Francis told you anything about what's happening, he probably didn't tell you everything! He used to work for a company called PowerPlex. It was a company in France. He was a scientist and worked with other people to help find a cure for breast cancer," Gilbert began. I had never heard of this company before...

Antonio pulled out a pamphlet, handing it to me. "Okay..." I spoke.

"Well, there was an accident in one of the labs. There was a huge lawsuit, and it was covered up. There was an explosion, and Francis was supposed to be dead! However, the company covered it up and called it a simple accident," Antonio explained.

"The only thing is, Francis wasn't dead, and he was pissed!" Gilbert added.

"So? The two of you are trying to cover it up? That's not very good! I mean, that sounds terrible, you do know that—?"

"Yes and no...the thing is, some of his research was left behind...there, not only did he find the cure to the breast cancer strain and was moving forward to find more cures, but he was working on something else. We don't know if he did it out of boredom or sheer ability, but he was making something that could change people. However, he messed up, and the explosion that was supposed to kill him and destroy his research....didn't..."Gilbert added. They both looked serious, but I felt stupid for not understanding.

"What was he making?"

"It was something that could hurt people...in the process, despite intentions... he didn't like that we covered everything up, but if what happened got out...well...his side of what happened got out, people would destroy PowerPlex..." Antonio spoke. It still felt like they were hiding something from me. Besides, the idea of big companies like theirs did not sit right with me.

"Hmmm...and what will you do to Francis?" I asked. They stayed silent for a while and slowly smiled. "You don't need to worry about that, but I'm sure you will be relieved that he will be out of your hair. He is a stressful person to be around, and I'm sure you don't like him playing those mind games," Gilbert laughed. He had a point, but still...

"I mean...sure...but..."

"You seem unsure! Here, let me give you my card! If you finally get fed up, we can work with you to get him out of your hair!"


"And really, we would need your help; if he gets one word in, it is over for us!"


"Here you go! We look forward to working with you, Arthur....uh..."


"KIRKLAND! Great! Like the brand! Yes, we will be in touch!"

They both smiled at me, walking away, but I felt like an idiot as I stayed standing in the alleyway. Some of this felt wrong, but at the same time, I was considering it. I didn't want to deal with any of this, and getting Francis out of my hair would be easier. Besides, it's not like I know him well, and we are not friends. Why would I stick my neck out for him?

I pursed my lips, shoving the card in my trousers. Honestly, I doubt anything bad would actually happen to him. This isn't an American action film!

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