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"I'm going to take Orange for a—"


Francis immediately volunteered, causing the boys to lift an eyebrow at me. They were still working on those people. Francis had narrowed down a list of people he thought were odd, but I hadn't looked yet. I believe Matthew was supposed to see what they had been doing since the incident with Francis. Francis mentioned the projects they were working on could be vital if they were about what he had been working on.

I'm not sure, they tried to explain it to me, but I really don't care for any of that stuff. I can't do anything they do, so I really find myself useless. Besides, Francis will be gone Saturday.

"Let me get my shoes on!" He chirped.

"I see the two of you made up....no surprise there..." Alfred tried whispering the last part, but we all heard him. "I HEARD THAT!"

"Good! You can't stay mad long."

Francis stood beside me, excited as Orange began to wag his tail. "Whatever, he is coming with me, but I didn't invite him!" I corrected.

"Whatever! Come on, Orange! Let's go for a walk! Who wants to go for a walk? You do! Yes, you do! Oh, what a good puppy you are! Yes, you are! Yeeees! Yeeeeeees!"


Francis was baby-talking Orange, and as much as I hated it, Orange was eating it up. "Do you want another daddy? I can be your daddy!" Francis laughed.

"Wow, already introducing to the children? Aren't you moving fast, Arthur?" Alfred teased.

"SHUT UP! We are just friends!" I groaned. I ripped open the door, but it didn't stop those idiots from snickering at me. "Oh? We are friends?"


Francis followed, and I was close to punching him again. He continues to weasel his way into my life! With all the luck he was given, he has no luck in life. Honestly, how embarrassing.

"I told you we would spend time together Saturday; why are you coming with me?"

"Hmm? Honestly, that's such a silly question. Isn't it obvious?"

"No, not really. If you haven't noticed, I need people to tell me, instead of playing mind games with me. However, mind games are your speciality."

"Oh...well, no need to be so dramatic. It's because I like you! Genuinely!"

I rolled my eyes at him, and he followed beside me. "I don't care; all your efforts are fruitless if you keep being a douchbag."

"Me? If anything, you are, but I suppose you aren't ready for that conversation."

"Cry me a river! Sorry someone finally told you something. Honestly, it seems like you've never been criticized in your life!"

"I haven't! Because I'm good at what I do! Unlike someone...losing his job? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they fired you."

"I quit! There's a difference, and that's none of your business! You have it easy! All you have to do is say a sentence; anything will be yours! Some of us have to work hard!"

I huffed in annoyance, feeling my face get warm. I had grown flustered, and I was sure he noticed. "Well...not everything...but I see why you might be jealous."

"I...am not jealous of you!"

"Oh, I won't tell anyone; it's okay!"

"Shut up! You sound ridiculous!"

"Well, you seem to have conflicting thoughts about me in general; I'll bring it back."

"Conflicting thoughts? The only conflicting thing IS this conversation. I've made up my mind about you, and that won't change!"

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