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I stayed up late researching that company, PowerPlex. What I found matched a bit with the information given to me. The company was started five years ago in hopes of finding cures to diseases thought to be incurable.

Then...I found an interesting article.

"Francis Bonnefoy, lead chemist found dead after an accident...authorities believe a misuse of chemicals caused the accident...." It read but didn't give much detail about the chemicals or what kind of accident it was exactly. However, it said that because of his death, it caused stocks to drop in value, and the company had been doing terribly since. This data goes back to almost two months ago. The same timeline Francis told us about.

As I scrolled down, there was a picture of him. He had a serious expression, hair pulled back tightly and even wore glasses. He had a white lab coat on and a button-up underneath. He looked like a different person now, which was insane. However, I lingered over the picture. He was very handsome and looked like the type of person I would have got along with.

The two people who talked to me last night mentioned he was working on something that caused the explosion. Despite its intention, they didn't say what it was, only that it could hurt people.

Well, Francis had good intentions, I'm assuming, based on the way they said it, but hurting people in the process? They only mentioned it could change people.


Maybe that's what happened to him?

Maybe he was working on something that would give people abilities...and well, it worked.

However, he did say that he wasn't sure what happened to him. Either he is really stupid, or his mistake was completely an accident. He worked on cures, so maybe...and this is a stretch...maybe he was trying to make something that would alter people's DNA...like a cure to end all diseases ...

He had figured out the cure for breast cancer...and was in the process of figuring out others...what if he wanted to go further and create a drug that would end all diseases?

Creating...someone with superhuman abilities...

Just like...the American movies.

"Arthur! Be real!" I said to myself. I slapped my head a bit, slapping sense into me. I don't really know! These are my theories based on what I've been told. But I was still left with so many questions.

One is why they wanted to cover up his death and research. According to them, no one knew he was alive...let alone knew he found a cure for breast cancer. Why would a company dedicated to researching cancer try and cover up something that would benefit them? Something wasn't adding up.

I feel the only way for me to figure this out...

Was to get closer to Francis and get more of his story.

Three knocks on my bedroom door caused me to jump and throw all my research into my desk. "Arthur, your brother is here with Orange—whoa, you okay? You look like you haven't slept!" Alfred spoke.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious; I will be right out!"

"Jeez, okay, my bad! I'd say someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but you obviously didn't get the chance!" He sassed.

"Ugh, I'll be right out," I spoke. I scratched my head, annoyed, standing up from my desk. Thank goodness Orange was home. He had been with my brother Dylan for the past two weeks. My brother loved Orange and constantly asked to babysit him. All three of my brothers always told me the same thing about Orange.

Orange would be the closest I'd get to experiencing parenthood, and honestly, they are probably right. It did not help that dealing with Alfred and Matthew already made me feel like a parent.

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