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"Okay! So! I was able to get camera footage of that day in the park! And I found some footage from different angles of the men after you! It was hard to get face recognition since they were covered in black, but I think that within enough time, I could follow where they went after that!" Matthew cheered.

I was sitting on the sofa watching them. My laptop was on my lap as I was still reading about the company Francis used to work for. If those men worked for the company, trying to cover up Francis, and his existence, then they wanted something else.

They could easily assassinate him on sight, but they want him alive. This leads me to believe that it was true, that they wanted to experiment on him. I'm sure Francis knows that, too, whether he thinks they are paranormal chasers or not. He isn't stupid. Humans are corrupt beings and will destroy anything they don't understand.

"They did have weapons like you mentioned, but I don't see how they could do something in broad daylight," Matthew spoke.

"Yes, it looked like a gun...but not a gun I've ever seen before," Alfred added.

Yeah...probably because it wasn't a gun. I mean...they wouldn't kill him...maybe...they were just going to knock him out. But I'm broad daylight? That seems a bit much. Maybe they were getting desperate?

"Well, whatever it was, it couldn't have been good," Francis spoke.

Okay...so I think I might have the full story. First, Francis finds a cure; he then tries to continue his research but gets struck down! Then, he wakes up, they tell him falsely and try to erase his existence, then he doesn't give up, and they find out he suddenly has abilities now! They are after him to not only shut him up but also, what I assume is to experiment on him and find out what he can do and how it could benefit him.

However, there was a missing piece.

I know it!

It was between the accident and the research happening.

He said the chemicals were wrongly labelled, and he couldn't leave the lab. It seems as though that was terrible timing...or luck have you.

I wonder...if someone had known beforehand what he was about to discover. But like he said, his company turned out to be sketchy, and the thought of losing money meant he needed to be taken out. His getting abilities were an accident, no doubt. I'm no idiot, but I'm sure all those chemicals exploding on him did something, changed him. However, the explosion...that wasn't an accident.

I'm ninety percent sure that all of that was planned. They had tried to kill him, I'm sure. And I'm certain that if that were the case, they knew he would figure it out eventually. On top of finding out the company was a sham, hiding his work...Francis needed to be out of the picture for good just as soon as they finish using him for whatever weird experiments they had in mind.


But what now?

What do I do with my theory? I mean, I've been right so far, but what now? I can't help him stop whatever is going on, and I would hate to be on their hit list.


There actually might be something I could do.

I stood up from my seat, and Francis stared at me. "Where are you off to now?" He asked. He smiled at me a bit, and it made me smile. I could try and convince those people to leave him alone.

It sounded lame, I know, but!

If I were to trick them into thinking he died somehow, this could be okay! Maybe. I would need to come up with something! But I had their number, so I could contact them whenever.

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