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So the days went on. Francis just suddenly started living with us, and it was okay?

He made dinner...

"I made SOUP!"

He slept in my bed...with me...

"Goodnight, Arthur!"

It didn't help that he would kiss me on the forehead every night after he tucked me in.

He would shower in my bathroom...and had tried to shower with me...

He would be there...

Every day...

Wait a minute...

What is wrong with me?

Why am I letting this happen?


We were all sitting at the table eating breakfast together, and I finally broke. "Wow, that lasted longer than I thought it would!" He smiled.

Oh, I was pissed.

"I don't know who you are, but you need to leave!"

Alfred and Matthew continued to eat the breakfast like normal till I also saw it finally process in their heads. However, that didn't stop them from eating Francis's pancakes. 

Francis didn't seem so surprised by what happened, and it made me feel like he had somehow done something to us. "With my luck, you would forgive me!"

Once again, my anger disappeared. But a new emotion appeared. Stress and confusion. "You are doing it! How?"

"What? I'm not doing anything!"

"Yes, you are! You are doing it! What are you doing to us?" I asked. I stood up, and he looked at me surprised. Surprised as if no one had ever talked to him like this before. "Oh, you are imagining things! With my luck, you will forget about it tomorrow!" He cheered. That's when it hit me.

He...he kept saying that phrase!

"What did you just say?" I asked. He stopped eating, turning to me, horrified. "Huh? I didn't say anything!" He defended himself. This...gaslighter!

"You most certainly did! You keep saying, "With my luck"! What does that mean?!" I asked. His eyes widened, and he backed away from me.

"With my luck, you will all forget about this conversation!"


"Can you pass the syrup?"


I looked over to Francis, who kept smiling at me. It was odd, and I wasn't sure what he was so happy about. "You look tired; you should rest today!" He spoke. I was really tired. Work had drained the life out of me, and now that I had so much free time, well, I could do whatever I wanted.

Francis wasn't so bad when you got to know him. I think he was lonely deep down and just wanted friends. I know from personal experience it can be hard to make friends, so I'm glad he could find friends through us.

I...well, it feels like I've known him forever...then again...I couldn't put my finger on when we met. It was...no...

Wait yes! I'm sure of it! We met recently! But...how?

I kept thinking as I ate my food, but nothing would come up. "How long were you planning on staying here?" Matthew asked. He ate his food happily, making Francis smile. "Well, as I tried to say the other day! I'm in trouble...these people are after me! They probably want to experiment with my beautiful skull, but they haven't gotten close! I suppose it helps to be super smart!" He cheered. He sounded full of himself, definitely not the kind of person I'd surround myself with.

"Why are they after you?" I asked. I looked at him, confused, and he smiled. "Well...let's say that I'm super lucky, and they are jealous! However, I think they will give up looking for me in a couple of days!" He pointed out.

"Yeah, and how will you know that?" Alfred asked, continuing to eat. Francis shrugged, placing his chin on the palm of his hand. He seemed very...ethereal. His pale skin, light hair and eyes made him seem that way. Even his eyebrows and eyelashes were somehow blonde. He looked like an angel.

I don't mean that in a flattering way toward him. He is a very attractive person, but not my type. I mean he looks like an angel because that is what I assume would be characteristics of an angel...nothing else—no deeper meaning.

"I just know! Besides, with my luck, they will give up by the end of the day," he giggled.



"You look so cosy tucked into bed..."

"Yeah...why are you doing this again? I can get into bed myself..."

"Because! I'm only returning the favour!"

"Favour? I haven't done anything for you?...besides let you stay here!"

"Well, that too! But also for helping me distract the people after me. I tried to run away the other day, but sometimes, when I get excited, I tend to let my guard down. So I asked for help. I asked for my luck to help and suddenly fell in front of you. As soon as I saw you, I knew you would be my hero to get me out of that pickle!"

"So you kissed me....?"

"Yes! But! In my defence, it was so those people didn't see me! You were very nice to me and helped me up! And now I want to repay you before messing it up again!" He smiled. I was still confused, and I was sure he could tell. "I thought I'd explain that to you now before tomorrow! Before you try to kill me!" He laughed.

"I wouldn't...try and kill you..." I laughed. However, he looked unsure. "Well, let's make sure of that! With my luck, the most you'll do is punch me in the face. I deserve that, at the very least!" He smiled.

Once again, he kissed me on my forehead and began to lay beside me. "Only for a bit, then I'll give you space before the sun rises!" He added. All of his talking and explanations were supposed to help. I knew he was trying to explain it, but something felt odd. It felt like I was missing a piece that I had forgotten. It was a bit frustrating, but I didn't want it to frustrate me any longer.

I suppose tomorrow is another day, and it might be better than the confusing one today. I mean, I feel like I can't clearly remember the past few days! I don't think anyone understands how confusing and stressful that can be.

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