19 (Final)

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Saturday night, I kept getting constant messages from them. Threatening messages, but I ignored them. I was going to make sure Francis was safe. I needed to right a wrong, but it wasn't going to be easy.

So, we left later in the day; I took the lead. We snuck off while Alfred and Matthew weren't home. That way, they wouldn't give me that condescending look of "I told you so."

Francis and I were walking, I was leading, and I wanted us to be alone for a bit before I said anything. I wanted to go far away from where I lived and the area I would walk. I needed to know my surroundings to ensure Antonio and Gilbert weren't following us. However, I turned off my phone and left it at home. That way, they wouldn't try and see my location anymore.

"So, we are starting with a long walk?" He asked. Francis sounded really happy and sweet. I was lucky that his presence made me calm. That, at least, would help me think straight instead of freaking out about the situation at hand.

"Yes! A walk! That way! Where no one can see us!" I laughed. I pointed down a path that looked dark. All he could do was nervously laugh. "Are you planning to kill me or something?" He laughed. I shook my head at him gently. "No! Not at all! I just...well, I figured walking and talking for a bit would be nice. After all, we seem to communicate better that way," I smiled. He nodded in agreement and stayed beside me. I hardly go on dates, but I have watched many movies before. All I needed to do was be myself and act naturally, mostly to work up the courage to talk to him about everything.

"So, Have you been anywhere else?... In the world?" I asked. Hoping he had a plan to move there and never come back. "Oh? I have always wanted to visit the United States, but...but I never could because my work was demanding. However, I think now would be the perfect time," he smiled. "Ah, That makes sense. Is there a particular place there?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

We stopped walking near this pond, and he stared off, looking toward the ducks. "Listen, I understand this is all sudden, and I screwed up multiple times, and we hardly know each other, but I think we can grow to be really close if you are willing," he smiled. I turned to him, feeling a bit shocked, but only because I was worried about him. He was a carefree person. He was right. We hardly knew each other, and he screwed up, but so did I...and I was hoping that he could forgive me.

"Listen..there is something I must be honest about..."

"What is it?"

"Well...I haven't been completely honest with you...about everything going on..." I answered. I faced him slowly, and he did the same. He looked at me as if nothing I said would upset him, but I knew better than to believe that. "What is it?"

"Well..it is regarding your situation...I know I said I did not want to be involved...but I had been thinking about everything and put a few things together. Antonio, your co-worker, tried to kill you by switching those chemicals...and I am sure it was because of that promotion you had told me about. He and another man named Gilbert are after you and plan to take you today...I am sorry I have not been honest with you, and you will hate me, but it is something I will live with," I spoke. My hands felt clammy and nervous as I stared at his reaction change. He went from happy to worried to confused in a matter of seconds.

"What? How do you know it is them?... I mean...that sounds like a stretch..."

"This is why I said you'd hate me...there is something...that I need to tell you....something terrible I had done..."I tried to say. I shuffled through my pockets, looking for the card I was given. I handed him the card, and he looked at it confused. "How...How did you get this? What are you talking about?"

"A couple of days ago...Antonio and Gilbert came to me...they had been watching us for some time...I am sure of it. They had found me after you used your luck for me to win money. They followed me until I was alone...and offered to work with me. They knew I was inconvenienced...at the time by your presence and said they would help get you out of my life if I helped them. They told me a few things...about your work...and your accident. I dismissed it at the time...but I knew who these people were the whole time, and I did not say anything," I began. He laughed and crumbled the card.

"Well...what is done is done...I am sure they won't find me...I mean...maybe now...but it won't happen..."

"No! That isn't the worst part...I...I have betrayed you..."

"Oh...you didn't do any harm-"

"I did!...will you let me finish?!"

The aura was different now. It was as if the air felt anxious. I felt he was trying to calm me down with his aura, but I felt too distressed to feel any different. I held my hands together nervously, and his face dropped. "You didn't..."

"I...What I did...there is no excuse...but...I..."

"I thought you would be better than that! I know you were mean, but I always thought it was because of my sudden appearance..."

"I am sorry, Okay? I only did it because you kept messing with my head!"

"And I tried to make up for that-"


He shut up and looked at me hatefully. "Anyway...I can't take it back now. What I did was wrong...I regret it, but all this was to get you far away from our place. Antonio and Gilbert were supposed to get you...tonight...but I tried to take it back! I tried to tell them I did not want to go through with any of their plans anymore...so this was a last-minute attempt to try and get you to run away now...before they find us..." I explained.

Francis began to back away from me when a sudden rustling noise came from the bushes beside us. My eyes widened, and I turned quickly. It was then; I just knew it.

"Damn it, Arthur! You are forcing me to do this! Just know that!" he yelled. I tried to turn around to where those men had begun exiting the bushes, but Francis grabbed me. He pulled me close, and my face dropped as he stared at me.

Francis kissed me again, and I stood dumbfounded as he held me close. Then with a poof noise, everything had gotten quiet, and there wasn't a stir any longer.

He separated from me slowly and shook his head. "A distraction...and with that...I hoped they'd disappear..."

"What did you-?"

"Nevermind that now...you are going to forget all of this...and won't remember anything for a long time...not until...well...you will forget till you are ready to remember...that is what I hope, and hope my luck will have it... Those men won't bother you, and I won't either. You will return to how you were before you met me...got it?"

Confused, I blinked my eyes at him, and he began to let go of me slowly. "Do you understand?" he asked. This man nodded at me, worried...and smiled. "Great...I don't want to confuse you any more; I did not mean to state you, sir," he spoke.

"Oh...no!...uh...I think...I need to go home..."

It felt like I had woken up from a weird dream I could not remember. I recognized the area I was in but nothing else. I must be losing my mind over the stress. "Right!...be careful!" He laughed. The strange man ran away suddenly, and I stood dumbfounded.

"Be careful?" I looked around me, confused, and slowly placed my hand to my face. It felt hot, and for some reason, I was flustered. I hadn't the slightest clue. However, as I reached my hand to my cheek and touched my skin, I slowly reached to my lips. My skin remembered something that I couldn't. "Be careful?...what an odd thing to say...odd fellow, indeed."

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