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When I arrived home, I tried calling those men. I wonder if I could take back everything. I needed to. However, they didn't answer, so I texted the number that I called them from.

"I finished the list! Would everyone care to see?" Matthew cheered in a low tone. Alfred looked excited as he held the paper with those people's faces. I only sat still, waiting for a response from those men. I don't think I could anymore. It was odd how fast I changed my mind after earlier. I really couldn't explain it.

Then, just to be sure, I made sure Francis closed his eyes and counted to fifty as I thought about it. It took less than a minute to realize the mistake I would have been making. I know he screwed up, but I couldn't entirely blame him for the situation. He doesn't know how to control anything, so maybe I was being harsh.

It wasn't entirely because of earlier. Sure, was it nice that someone finally cared about me, and I was able to see it? Yes! Anyone would feel that way. My life isn't exciting; I hardly go out, my brothers hate my life choices, and I have nothing else...besides Orange.

So, yes! It made me happy!

For once in my stupid life, someone made me happy...to be me.

I was making a huge mistake trying to give him away. However, now it makes me feel like a shitty person. Why couldn't I care about him enough to help him? Why did he have to show me he cared about me for me to care?

I wasn't scared of what he could do. I thought it was amazing and exciting. Whether or not I wanted to admit it, I was interested in what was happening. No, I was scared of how he made me feel.

Despite my aggressive approach to getting him out of my life, I knew deep down that I didn't want him to go. He made my life exciting. He popped up out of nowhere and made me want to do something.

He kissed me, and I never hated it.

I couldn't say that to him.

"Do you see anyone that you might think would have anything against you?" Alfred asked. Francis began looking at the paper, and I couldn't help but look over his shoulder. Trying to be secretive.

Then...the horror overflowed me as I saw a familiar face. It was Antonio.

He had a lab coat on, a serious expression, and glasses covering the dark circles under his eyes. He looked different now, but I was sure it was him. I only didn't see Gilbert, but maybe that was because they had only started working together recently, the cause being Francis.

"Besides the person I told, not really...I mean, why would he say something? I wonder if maybe he was pressured or thought I was a freak," Francis laughed. He laughed as he pointed at Antonio, and I was in for more of a slap.

Of course!

Antonio had to have been the one behind everything. But why would he sabotage him?

"What kind of stuff did HE work on?" I asked. Once again, they all looked at me, shocked. "If you want to help! Just say so!" Alfred teased.

"I don't! I'm just curious!" I defended myself. Francis tilted his head, smiling at me, filling my stomach with butterflies. "Please, don't look at me like that! If you are, think about something else. It is like I can see your thoughts," I spoke. His face told so many emotions. He smiled at me slightly and looked awfully sweet.

"What? I doubt that! But I will do as you say! I am thinking of pastries!" He laughed. He lifted his eyebrows at me, and some of the feeling had vanished. This led me to believe that he and I were feeling butterflies as we stared at each other.

"Well? Are you going to say it?"

"Right, well, he mostly helped with the testing of what we worked on. He handled the animal testing for me. I never liked doing them, but he always offered."

"Oh? So he had access to the lab?"

"I....sure...yes...what are you implying?"

They all looked at me concerned, but I couldn't tell them everything I knew. That would require me also outing myself for trying to give Francis up. However, I had a feeling I knew what happened.

Antonio did it. He was trying to kill Francis, but it didn't work. How could he really know? He mostly worked with animal testing and not the actual creation of the serums. He was bound to have combined chemicals that didn't belong—resulting in what happened to Francis.

But a motive.

I'm not sure.

He was shocked by Francis being alive, I'm sure. After seeing he couldn't kill him, there was only one option: to give him up to the company so they could deal with it. Only, he'd be helping.

But why?

What did Francis do to him?

Then I have to consider the company hiding the research Francis was doing. Maybe they did not like that he created something that could help everyone.

My phone began to vibrate, and I quickly looked down. As if luck were to have it, they were calling me. "Excuse me for a moment," I spoke. I stood up quickly, looking down at my phone. There was no way I could figure out the motive. But there had to have been one. One that would explain everything that was happening now.

I quickly entered my room and got farther from the door so no one could hear me. "Hello?" I spoke. I held the phone close to my ear, waiting for a response.

"There is no backing out. We plan to get him whether you back out or not!"

"Yes, but—"

"But what? He has been a nuisance to you, No? What is the issue?"

"Well...I don't think I trust you..."

"That doesn't matter to us; we plan to get him on schedule; there is no changing that, do you understand?"

I felt horrified.

What had I done?

"So, either we go to your home, or you meet us? But there will be no promises that your little friends will be safe if we go to you," he spoke. It was threatening and made me livid. "Wait a moment! They are just kids! You want to kill them?"

I wasn't much older than them, but I did my best to act as their big brother. "If we must...anything to take in lost property!" He spoke. What he said baffled me. "Lost property?" I asked.

"Yes! Francis is considered lost property of PowerPlex. The chemicals that changed him, which he helped make, belong to the company. Those chemicals are still in him, and therefore he belongs to us! I have worked hard to ensure everything goes to plan, and I don't need you! A nosy idiot getting in the way of that! So, if a few people must die for things to go according to plan, then so be it!"

What he said baffled me. I was horrified.


"It is a shame it had to have been him! But, you wouldn't want your dear friends paying for the deeds of a man any of you hardly know, right?"


"My point! Don't ruin their lives because you want to be good suddenly. Arthur, we've been watching you! You aren't good. You are the opposite of Francis. You are...one unlucky son of a bitch. Adios!" He sang. Antonio hung up the phone, and I stayed silent.

If Alfred and Matthew are hurt because of me...I don't think I could ever forgive myself. All of this...it was my fault. I didn't care what he said about me; I knew it was true. I'm a terrible person who wanted to get rid of him for selfish convenience. But there was nothing I could do about it.

I mean, what was I supposed to do?

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