Chapter One: Upon Arrival

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 A low rumble reverberated around the boy as he laid on the ground, his right shoulder being crushed by his own weight, causing him to stir. A metallic taste in his mouth and his green tinted glasses scattered a few feet away from him, the right lens cracked. His eyes finally opened, and he lifted a weak hand to wipe the sweat from his brow, brushing the hot pink fringe that stuck to his forehead to the side of his face.

He looked around. Nothing was familiar. He himself didn't even feel familiar. It was dark, and the sounds of nuts, and bolts, and cranks filled his ears as he realized that the iron platform he was on was indeed lifting him up. He was in an elevator.

It shook violently and now suddenly, the boy was fully awake, though his vision was still spinning, his breathing became frantic. He lifted himself to all fours and crawled over to the end of the elevator, where a few boxes were placed. He tripped over them, yelping out as he did so, feeling the boxes crush underneath him.

'Where am I?!'

He lifted himself back up, putting a hand on the railing behind him. As he turned his head and looked up, he realized he was caged in.

'Where am I going?!'

The elevator started to increase in speed and he got onto the floor again– instinctively into a fetal position– but not before grabbing the green tinted glasses and putting them on, hoping to find some sort of familiarity and comfort with them, but to no avail. All there was left for him to do was close his eyes and pray. Pray that the noise stops, pray that the elevator reaches a safe destination– wherever it's going, and pray that whoever he meets at the top won't tear him to shreds.

With a deafening screech, the elevator stops and a prominent clicking noise at the top is heard. That's when he started to hear the voices. The voices of what sounded like boys around his age– and there were quite a few. The pink haired boy couldn't make out everything these boys were saying but he caught a good amount of them.

'I'm hungry...'

'I hope it's a girl this time...'

'When's nap time?'

Normally, when you hear this many voices at such a volume, you're able to pin out where these voices are coming from, but the boy couldn't tell. It sounded as though all of these voices flooded his head at the same time, and when he put his hands over his ears, he still heard the same thing, at the same volume.

Then suddenly, he saw a light. A bright light and the silhouettes of about five or six people.

"EVERYONE GET BACK!!" A big, booming voice echoed into the elevator and in jumped a boy with fiery red, spiky hair. He was well built, and he stood with confidence and a big smile as he looked at the pink haired boy in front of him. Fiery-red headed boy reached an arm out for him to take... and when he did, he grunted when he was pulled up with such strength– it almost took the wind out of him. "Hey, there! Do you remember your name?" Was the first thing he was asked. The pink haired boy didn't answer, he looked up at the other boys who were curiously watching the interaction. The voices still faded in and out– but it was clear no one was talking. "Not a talker? That's alright. I'm Hairo Kineshi. Nice to meet you." He had an heir of leadership to him, and the pink haired boy easily pinned him as the one in charge. But in charge of what?

Another boy with a blonde mohawk that was even more built than Hairo, held a hand out for the two to be lifted out. Hairo got out first, then the pink haired boy. "Hey there, buddy! I'm Nendou Riki! Take my hand and I'll help ya outta there!" He smiled brightly. The pink haired boy said nothing and he took his hand. He was finally able to see where he was.

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