Chapter Two: Strange Phenomenons

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 "Kusuo Saiki?" Kaidou repeated. Saiki nodded. This was the one thing he was the most certain about since arriving at the glade. Kaidou nodded, and smiled. "Sounds good to me. Congrats! You finally remembered! But you still didn't beat my name-remembering record." He chuckled to himself proudly.

"You could be named whatever you want! But I'd still call ya my buddy!" Nendou smiled, recklessly shoving a few items into a bag and then throwing it over his shoulder. "Welp! I'm goin' to hit the showers!"

Saiki lifted a brow. "There's showers here?"

"Not really." Kaidou shook his head. "There's no plumbing here, so the best we got is this little lake behind some trees at the far end of the glade. But you don't wanna be there when Nendou is... trust me..." He shivered.

"Noted..." He sat up. "What am I supposed to-"

"Hey!" Kuboyasu burst through the door, stopping Nendou before he left. He had a very worried expression on his face. "The elevator's coming up again! You guys better come quick!" And he ran off.

"What?" Kaidou mumbled in disbelief. "No way..."

"What?" Saiki questioned. "Is that a bad thing?"

"We aren't supposed to get supplies from the elevator until next week... they sent it up early..." This made the boys look at eachother with unease. They got up and made their way out the door in a haste.

Saiki, Kaidou, and Nendou elbowed their way through a crowd of boys to get up front with Hairo. By the time they got there, he and Kuboyasu had just finished opening it up. Saiki couldn't see anything. Nendou was in his way.

"Are you guys seeing this?!" Nendou said with amusement.

"No. Get outta my way-" It was difficult to push him due to his tall stature. Saiki huffed trying to look over his shoulder. He saw Hairo jump into the elevator.

"..." Hairo said nothing and everyone was silent.

"What is it?" Kuboyasu called down to him, leaning forward and placing his hands on his knees.

"It's a box... and a note." Hairo furrowed his brows in curiosity, turning the box to get a good look at all angles of it.

"Careful! We don't know what it is!" Kuboyasu called out.

"It could be an explosive!" Nendou shouted from the sidelines.

"Shut up!" Kaidou hissed.

The box was wrapped like a present. It was gold, wrapped neatly with a pretty green ribbon. A small note was attached. "Kusuo Saiki...?" Hairo's brows furrowed even more. He had not heard this name before.

"That's me..." Saiki said on instinctively hearing his name. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes. Just yesterday, he didn't have a name. And today, he finally remembers and gets a commemorative gift for it too? The boys cleared a path. He walked forward and Kuboyasu helped him jump into the elevator to stand next to Hairo. The red haired boy handed him the box with the note. When he flipped the note up to read it, it made his skin crawl.

Kusuo Saiki, ignorance is bliss.

They were talking to him. They were talking to him, whoever they were. First the weird dream, and now this? It's a bit convenient that this note was sent to him the day he remembered his name. His hands shook as he opened the box.

"...?" 'What is this?'

They looked like pink antennas but as hair clips. 'These are ridiculous.' He thought, furrowing his brows in disgust and taking them out of the box. Is this some sort of joke? As a gag, he figured he'd try them on, though at the same time, he wasn't loving the attention he was getting from everyone.

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