Chapter Twenty-Five: False Heroism

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"NO?!" Matsusaki slams his hands down on the table. "You're telling me we finally have a plan–an in– to save Kuboyasu and you don't wanna go through with it?!"

    "I'm sorry, but involving Teruhashi isn't a good idea. She's betrayed us once, what makes you think she won't do it again?" Saiki huffs, standing in the corner with his arms crossed as the team looks at him with mixed expressions of pleading, confusion, and a bit of irritation.

    "Oh, Saiki." Saiko chuckled, shaking his head. "When I suggested the plan to you, I never actually planned on working with her."

    "Then what do you plan on doing, exactly?"

    "We just use her to find our way in, then abandon her half-way through the mission."

    "Well, I don't wanna do that either."

    Aiura huffed. "Am I missing something here? This is the same girl that almost got all of us kidnapped by LMTLSS and planned to screw all of us over since day one. How is she going to help us even if we do go through with this?"

    "That's why I'm suggesting we betray her back!"

    Kaidou hadn't said anything just yet. He sat at the round table with a grimace on his face Saiki had never seen him have before. "I don't..." Saiki huffed, unsure on what to do.

    "This was never about saving Aren, was it?" Kaidou said, pushing himself off his seat.

    "Wha..? Kaidou that's not–"

    "Just admit it, Saiki. Teruhashi is the reason Aren was taken in the first place. And yet you're telling me you aren't ok with going through with the only good plan to get him back?!"

    "Kaidou..." Saiki's eyes widened. He never knew where this was coming from. Kaidou had never shown any aggression like this before. He was stepping right in Saiki's face.

    "Hey, let's just calm down, guys..." Toritsuka said, getting worried.

    "No! No, I'm sick of these games." Kaidou balled his fists. "You don't want to go through this because you're putting a traitor over Aren!!"

    "That's not true!" Saiki said, now gettin angry with these false claims. "I'm not putting anybody above Kuboyasu! It was just never my intention to be seen by anyone a part of LMTLSS that could–"

    "That's a lie!!" He pushed Saiki's shoulders, grasping onto his collar. Aiura stood from her seat, gasping at his actions. Toritsuka stepped in between them to calm Kaidou down before a fight started.

    "Stop it! What's gotten into you, Kaidou?!"

    Saiki had seen the look in Kaidou's eyes as he pushed him. They were eyes darkened in pure anger that were there one moment and then gone the next. "I'm..." Kaidou seemed to have noticed the change in himself as well. Tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Saiki..." he let go of the pink haired boy's collar, and turned around. "I'm sorry everyone..." He ran out of the room holding a sleeve up to his eyes.

    Everyone was quiet after that and it was safe to say the meeting was over. Whatever had gotten into Kaidou was something nobody suspected. Little did they know the usual empathetic and emotional boy was going through his own turmoil.

    Saiki had found Kaidou sitting atop the roof, his feet hanging down off the side as he looked out towards the walls, seeing the city peek out from behind it. "I'm a disgrace..." He muttered to himself.

    "You aren't." Saiki said, causing the boy to whip his head around, startled.

    "Saiki..." He said, upon seeing him, his lip quivered and looked away to avoid his gaze, shaking his head. "You should be angry with me."

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