Chapter Nine: Never Go Back

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Saiki watched as his friends struggled in the confines of the glass compartments, clear pink liquid filling to the brim until their heads were submerged fully. All they could do was scream inaudible pleas and bang on the bulletproof glass. Kaidou, Nendou, Hairo, Toritsuka, Saiko– those who he had considered his friends, though at one point, reluctantly, he had realized all too late what this situation means for all of them. And what it means for their friendship. If they were to ever remember, they would never forgive him.... The image of them slowly started to fade...

His vision was lopsided, blurry. A long hallway with a young man in a lab coat whose face could not be made out, was walking away from him, his footsteps echoing on the solid ground.

"Everything's going to change. Don't back down now."

When Saiki's eyes opened, he was standing in the middle of a testing facility. The Headquarters of LMTLSS. A blue glow emanated from the multiples of blue vials when the light hit them just right, emitting a faint blue tint on his face. He reached a hand out, picked up one of the vials and quickly placed it back down.

'Teruhashi's coming...' He fixed his gaze on the door right on time to meet eye to eye with the deep blue haired girl who quietly walked in, hoping to not be noticed.

"Oh! Saiki..." She said in her usual sweet voice, pretending like she didn't ask specifically where he went to a random doctor. Saiki knew though. "I was just bringing this up for testing..." 'I was hoping you would be here...'

Saiki's lips pressed into a thin line. He knew the reason Teruhashi had 'accidentally' bumped into him was for a very specific reason. She was afraid. Afraid Saiki would do something that he couldn't undo, and for an odd reason, Teruhashi picked up on his little behaviors that gave it away. The boy said nothing to her and only stared with his usual blank expression– one Teruhashi seemed to get used to, and was accustomed to smile back at.

"Saiki..." She spoke, smiling warmly. "Everything's gonna change... LMTLSS is good."

"–!" The boy woke in the cold sweat, pale. He jolted awake, startling Toritsuka who was sitting against a wall a few feet away from him.

"We've gotta stop meeting like this..." The boy said as he held his chest from the scare.

"..." Saiki didn't comment nor scoff at him. He continued to stare at the ground, mouth slightly agape and eyes void of any light from the information he had just taken in. 'Saiko was right.'

"Huh?" Toritsuka tilted his head in confusion. Instead of receiving an answer, Saiki leaned on one of his hands, bringing the other up to his head.

'Hairo was right...' Saiki's expression turned to shame. He shook his head, feeling guilt wash over him like a wave.

Upon hearing voices from inside what was left of the mapping hut, the rest of the boys, and Teruhashi, entered. Nendou was front and center with the rest standing behind him. "Buddy!" He called to him, relieved. "You're awake!"

"And you look better..." Kaidou smiled, also relieved to see that his friend was ok.

"It's good to see you up... we were all worried about you." Kuboyasu spoke, leaning against the wall.

"..." Teruhashi stayed quiet, but the way she held a hand over her heart as well as her small smile, let Saiki know that she was relieved he was alive and well.

But the truth was, he wasn't well. "You shouldn't be relieved." Saiki said, shaking his head at them. "Saiko was right. I'm a traitor. You should all hate me."

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