Chapter Three: Taking Charge

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"You two are going into the maze for the whole day?" Kaidou asked Hairo and Kuboyasu as they strapped various pieces of equipment to themselves. Nendou and Saiki watched from the sidelines. The doors had opened about two to three hours ago.

"We figured we should get back to our regular schedule. Don't want to miss anything, right?" Hairo chuckled. "Besides, I have a good feeling about this!" he put a thumbs up optimistically– and he had every right to feel that way. Kuboyasu was a great partner to take into the maze since he knew it well, and there was no doubt that he was a pretty strong runner. But with both leaders gone for the day, how will the glade hold up?

"How long will you two be?" Nendou asked, squinting his eyes as he looked up at the door in front of him.

Kuboyasu shrugged. "As long as we need to. If we find anything, we'll come back and let everyone know."

It was still quite dark inside the maze itself even though the sun had been up for a while. Saiki was still tired from yesterday, staying up talking to Toritsuka and coming back to the huts late... he didn't expect to be woken up early by Hairo, but he seemed to be the motivational type.

"Be careful..." Kaidou said as he gave a sheepish wave to the two. The three that stayed behind watched Hairo and Kuboyasu disappear into the maze for the day with a hope of finding something new. Saiki felt as though he could fall asleep standing. Not only did he go to bed late and wake up super early, but he also had another strange dream... he couldn't remember most of it, but he knew it had to do with that girl again. But again, this isn't something he'd mention to the other gladers. He keeps to himself after all.

"Welp, looks like I'm in charge of the glade for today!" Nendou said amidst the silence between the three.

"What?! No way! I'm in charge!" Kaidou argued back. "There's no way Hairo and Aren would put you in charge!"

Nendou crossed his arms. "And why would they put you in charge?"

"Saiki!" They both called him, and received no answer from the boy being that he was half asleep. "SAIKI!"


"Saiki, who do you think would be a better leader in the glade? Me, the Jet Black Wings aka destined destroyer of the Dark Reunion, or... Nendou."

"He's obviously gonna choose me! Right, buddy?!"

'I don't think it should be either of you.' Saiki rolled his eyes at the two, not taking part in their little argument. They'll find common ground soon anyways. And after a few moments of more bickering, Kaidou finally changed the subject.

"So anyways, Saiki." he huffed, avoiding Nendou's gaze so as to not be encouraged to fight with him again. "Where did you go last night? We were pretty worried about you..."

"Oh, I just went somewhere to be alone..." He said simply as the three started walking back to the huts. "What happened in that meeting with Hairo and Kuboyasu by the way?"

"Oh, that." Kaidou sighed. "I don't think anything happened. If they made the decision that you weren't trustworthy, then you would have been kicked outta the glade by now—" he stopped himself. "Oh..."

"I would have been kicked out of the glade?" Saiki lifted a brow. 'I mean... I guess that would be the most obvious thing to do. Where can they send me? Jail?'

"Sorry! I didn't wanna just outright say it!" Kaidou sputtered out. "But anyways, I was right when I said they wouldn't do that. You haven't been here long enough. Kuboyasu will just have to get over it eventually..."

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