Chapter Six: Everything Changes

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 The gladers gathered round the opened elevator that morning, weary and nervous. Saiki was feeling a bit sick today, considering what happened yesterday with Hairo. His stomach twisted up into knots in the middle of the night and stayed like that through the morning. Kuboyasu was the one to retrieve the note inside the elevator.

From now on, everything changes.

–was what it read. 'Everything changes?' Saiki pressed his lips into a thin line. Nothing good could possibly come out of that note. Kuboyasu sighed, dropping the hand he used to hold the note to his side. He was already stressed out from managing the glade by himself without Hairo– well, sure, Kaidou and Nendou tried to help out as much as they could but without Hairo there to motivate everyone, but the glade still seemed to be out of whack. Especially since–

"Ahem." Saiko pushed through the crowd with some gladers behind him– his new groupies. "Are we starting to see my vision now?" He spoke loud and clear above Kuboyasu. "This is only the beginning! If we keep going out into the maze, then we will never be able to soundly live our lives in these walls!" He raised his voice, making sure all the other boys heard him.

"What if we don't wanna stay in these walls?" Nendou challenged. "Don't you think being in here all the time is kinda boring?"

"Tch." Saiko grimaced. "Time and time again we've seen people go out into the maze and die–"

"Not Saiki." Kuboyasu interrupted. "Saiki survived and so did Hairo and I, if it wasn't for him." Saiki felt himself sink slightly, nervously feeling all eyes on him.

"He's got a point." Kaidou backed him up. "There's a chance of survival out there. And if there's a chance of survival, then there's a chance of escape."

"So you would all risk your lives for a mere possibility? How horrid. I feel quite bad for you." Saiko crossed his arms. "Some of us are quite content with these walls. Let's be real, there's probably nothing left out there for us anyways, building and then abandoning our lives here will only lead to turmoil." He then turned to the silent group of boys behind him. "And if any of you are smart enough you'd follow me." Turning on his heel, he began to walk away from the elevator. Some boys followed, others stayed behind– it was about half and half, a true division amongst the gladers.

Nendou helped Kuboyasu out of the elevator. "I don't know about you guys–" Kuboyasu began. "But I'm not about to waste my life living behind these walls."

"Neither am I." Said Kaidou. "Saiko's wrong. There is life out there for us."

"..." Saiki huffed, quite annoyed. "The only reason he wants to stay here is because he's too comfortable being tended to by the other gladers all day." He pointed to the note Kuboyasu was still holding. "That note. It says that everything changes, right?" Kuboyasu nodded. "Then that means from now on our circumstances change as well. Including our chances of escape.

Kuboyasu agreed. "Saiki's right. So–" He turned to Nendou. "Nendou, since we're getting back to our schedule, it's your turn in the maze."

"I thought I'd never get to go again!" He cheered excitedly, rushing away towards his shared hut to gather his things.

"Pinkie," Kuboyasu then spoke to Saiki. "You should come with me. You too, Kaidou. I think it's time we show him."

'Show me? Show me what?'

"You'll see."

Behind some thick trees and unkept bushes in a corner of the glade opposite to the graveyard, there stood a small shack hidden away from the other huts. Saiki gulped, nervously following Kuboyasu and Kaidou through the door they had to unlatch to open– something important must be kept in here.

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