Chapter Seventeen: Crumble Beneath You

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"You're not getting away from me this time." Dr. K's voice rang over the loudspeakers coming from the floating aircrafts that surrounded the building. Saiki cursed to himself. How did he find them? "Exit the building one by one with your hands up!"

"What are we gonna do?!" Kaidou exclaimed, keeping his eyes out the window at all the light that blared into their room.

"Just follow me. Matsuzaki has a plan. We have escape routes in case of emergencies." Aiura explained. "Come on!" She ran, expecting them to follow.

As they exited the room, Saiki couldn't help but eye the empty bed that was supposed to belong to Teruhashi. "Wait." Saiki said, making everyone stop. "Teruhashi has been missing for a while now."

"Oh." Aiura shook her head, annoyed they were wasting time. "She's been talking to Matsuzaki the entire time. She's with him. Now can we please go already?"

Without saying another word, they continued to follow the girl until they met up with the man and Teruhashi.

"Sorry I disappeared on you guys earlier..." the blue haired girl said politely. Despite the situation they're in she still seemed calm.

"We don't have much time." Matsuzaki said before anyone could respond to her. He shoved random items into a duffle bag and scrambled across the room. "I suspect they're only gonna give us ten minutes before they storm the building. After that, it's every man and woman for themselves."

"You're kidding." Kuboyasu said. "How are we gonna get outta this?"

"They've got us cornered in every exit. They must have snuck in a while ago."

"Every exit? How is that possible?" Aiura didn't seem to get an answer. Matsusaki seemed to be deep in thought. "Hellooo?"

"I tried using my two-way radio to contact the boys guarding the areas but all I got was static. LMTLSS cut the signal somehow, which means they could be camping in any area."

"So what are we going to do?" Toritsuka begged for an answer. "We're running out of time here."

The expression on Matsusaki's face contorted from a look of panic to a look of realization. "We're gonna wait." Matsusaki claimed, seeming confident in this newfound plan. "We're gonna wait til they have no choice but to come in and get us."

"Are you crazy?!" Kuboyasu exclaimed angrily. "We'd be sitting ducks if we do that! What are we gonna do once they charge in?!"

"Once they charge in?" The man began to chuckle. "They're gonna do my favorite workout routine."

"..." 'What?' Saiki and everyone else, except Aiura, seemed to be confused.

"Y-you're kidding..." Aiura's eyes widened. "While we're still in the building?" She began to shake her head, realizing the effects this 'workout routine' is gonna have. "There has to be another way. You're just gonna throw everything away? Everything we've built?"

"You said it yourself, Aiura, you didn't plan on staying here forever. Besides," He picked up a shiny silver key out of one of the drawers. "We're accomplices now. LMTLSS isn't not gonna let us off the hook even if we were to give up your friends easily. Who knows what they'd do to the two of us if we were captured." His expression dropped for a brief moment. "It's my duty as a teacher to protect all of my students. Even you."

Aiura wanted to respond. Tell him that he didn't need to destroy everything he built for himself for the sake of others, but unfortunately there wasn't much of a choice. "Tch." She avoided his gaze. "Let's just do this already."

Saiki K x Maze Runner AUWhere stories live. Discover now