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After he slept with me in the car, he pulled away and zipped back his pants before he took his seat towards his side of the window. His eyes were darted and focused on something that I guess leaned outside. He was still pissed off that much I knew. The anger he felt did subside but not entirely. I could sense it when he was penetrating me, his body and eyes spoke of his anger and rage deep inside him.

The scene that occurred in the casino still played inside my head. I was more and more perplexed and confused at the same time. Mr Christian, the man who I know hates me to no ends. The man who never let a chance go by without trampling all over my worth and character was the same man who couldn't tolerate outsiders calling me insultive names. He was a real puzzle and I desperately wanted to be far far away from him as soon as possible. My heart thumped as I try to draw the tight dress I wore down but boy..I wandered who owned this dress and why it was with Mr Christian. Maybe it belonged to one of his lovers he brought.

The entire ride to his mansion was quiet. One could tell there was tension around him but not once did he glance at me. We arrived and the car halted in front of the mansion. I turned to my left side and saw Mr Christian immediately stepping out from the car on his own and didn't wait for the driver to open the door for him. He was walking in long strides and didn't once spare me a glance. I watched from inside the car hi he vanished into the mansion. I sighed in relief and slowly opened my side of the backseat door before stepping out. I greeted the driver a goodnight before making my way into the house.

I walked in and was heading straight to my room when my nose quickly inhaled in a sweet aroma. My belly instantly rumbled telling me it needed food. I followed the sweet aroma and found a large door. I knew that was the kitchen before slowly making my way into the kitchen. The kitchen just as I expected was huge with dozens of cabinets and a large kitchen counter in the centre. This kitchen looked like those kitchens from the palaces in Disney princesses films.

I followed the trail of the wonderful aroma and my mouth watered knowing what smelt so good. I saw a woman adorning a maid gown take out a tray filled with blueberry muffins and placed them on the counter. "Hmmm. These muffins smell so delicious." I replied complementing her baking skills. She really knew how to bake.

The woman was startled to see me and smiled still in shock. "Miss. What are you doing here in the kitchen. The boss wouldn't allow it." The woman whispered and i was confused by her words. "What do you mean am not welcome?" I asked and I saw her looking behind me as if she was about to tell me a terrible hidden secret. "You're the boss's new woman right?" She asked and I felt very offended by her suggestive question. "Excuse me but am not your boss's woman." I said quite annoyed and the woman gulped. "Forgive me miss. I thought you were seeing as you are the second woman he has allowed to live with him. Usually the girls he brings only stay for the night and are sent back to some brothel.." the woman's words made my mouth dry. I was recalling my time at the brothel and how lucky I was to have escaped that he'll of a life but my fate was still cursed as it sent me to live yet with another monster like Mr Christian.

"And who's the first girl if I may ask?" I couldn't help my curiosity. I wanted to know if that first girl had suffered like me under Mr Christian's roof. "She's not a girl. She isn't young like you. How old are you miss? Nineteen.."

"Am eighteen." I repiled cutting her off.

The woman nodded before she continued. "She's more of an advanced woman miss. Her name's Helena and she used to be the boss's favourite. Knowing the boss, he never ever sleeps with a girl twice but it was different with miss Helena. She always came and one could tell Mr Christian did like her company." The woman trailed on and i could tell she was a nosy person and loved gossip a lot. "And did he ever once mistreat her?" I asked raising my brows this time and the woman shot me a confused stare. I acted normal as not to alert her on my situation. Thankfully the woman bought my act and answered. "Well not that I know of. He always treated her with respect. She also attended the same college as him and since then they were inseparable. Mrs Helena does come from a stable family background but wasn't as filthy rich as the boss's parents."

I nodded and asked her permission for a couple of baked blueberry muffins before I headed up the stairs towards my room. I kept on thinking of that woman's words concerning Mr Christian treating this Miss Helena so kindly but then again the harsh reality hit my face hard. I remembered that woman informing me of how Miss Helena had come from a good family background while I came from an abused family. I sighed as I opened my room door and walked inside. I ate the muffins and later that night I was waiting for Mr Christian to arrive as usual and have his way with my body but to my surprise, minutes and an hour and half had passed but there was no sign of him. This was strange and literally the first time he never came by 10pm. I checked the clock hanging on the wall and saw it was past 11:30pm.

I rested my head on the pillow and kept my now heavy eyes towards the door knowing he was still going to come but then my eyes were so heavy for me that it closed right away engulfing me into the darkness as I fell into a deep sleep.


The next day I woke up quite late. I raised my head to check the time. It was 9:45am in the morning. I gasped knowing today was the day I continued my studies. I quickly dashed into the bathroom and had my bath as well as brush my teeth before wearing a blue loose dress that fitted me. I combed my hair and tied it in a loose curls and formed a slight messy bun.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs. I gasped in happiness as I saw a stack of note books as well as textbooks and other stationeries all at my disposal. I was beyond happy and excited. I knew Mrs Ines was going to keep her word. I was informed that my tutor was going to arrive by 11am by one of the staffs in the mansion. I was also informed about Mr Christian and how he left for his work very early in the morning. Another strange thing from him. He never left without first mocking me with his insults and today I felt relieved not seeing him evade my room like a third in the night.

I shrugged all negative thoughts and decided to focus on my studies and to make a career for myself. I was blessed with such an opportunity and wasn't going to loose it at all costs.

Who knows what's going on in Christian's mind. Let me know by you guys commenting. Comment and comment and comment please and don't forget to vote and follow me. Till then. Bye.

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