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Helena's eyes was red and her body shaked staring down at the young girl lying lifeless on the hard ground. Her heart pounded in pure rush of adrenaline. The excitement filled her body as she realized she had taken her revenge. She was for sure now that her pregnancy will be spoilt and Christian will be broken beyond repair.

She let out a loud laughter resembling that of a crazy psycho. She stared down at Mirah with a smirk lighting her lips before she got down from the window railing. Her phone chimed quickly and she saw it was Elena calling. Her smirk widened on her lips as she took the call and placed it on her right ear.

"Guess what! The bitch is dead. She has finally left our lives and the heirs have no chance at survival." Helena said and chirped happily. Elena grinned and smiled as she looked around for the fourth time inspecting for anyone passing by.

"You have no idea how much this news means to me. You knew you could be such a great alibi and smart, not just a model for looks." Elena stated and heard harsh sounds of footsteps sounding towards her. "Hurry to the outhouse!" Elena heard them and rushed out to meet them. She stopped Lucas and asked. "What happened. Is Mirah found?" Lucas yanked his arm from her. He nodded quickly and rushed behind Christian. Elena widened her eyes and quickly put the phone back on her ear.

"Get out of there right now. My brother knows you're at the outhouse. Get out of there quickly." Helena whispered fastly. Helena got startled and fear of Christian meeting her before she manages to escape hyped up to her throat. She quickly rushed towards the door and rushed out.

Just then she heard screams supposedly from one of the maids. The scream was loud which indicated she was close to the outhouse. She dashed out and saw Christian and his men approaching her direction. She wiped her sweat and pulled her hoodie over her head and positioned her cap to cover her face even more. She hid quickly in the bushes while her heart pounded. She smirked seeing the worry and distress on his face. It was priceless for her.

"Sir! Sir!" Helena turned to her left to spot the maid rushing towards Christian. "It's Miss Mirah!" She spoke clearly not trying to break her speech. Christian's body became tense immediately and by the looks on the maid's face, it wasn't good news. Christian didn't let her finish and quickly dashed to the direction where the maid ran from. Thomas rushed after him telling Lucas and the men to find Helena.

Lucas and the men rushed towards the outhouse while Helena tiptoed using the bushes as a cover to escape. She smirked as the gate was in view. She was almost out when she heard a gunshot and she let out a scream when her left arm got shot making her steps to falter. She looked behind her and was shocked to find Christian's father holding a rifle and was pointing it at her. All the blood was completely drained from her body as she was now staring at death in the eye and that death was none other than the Barbarian.

Christian rushed and his eyes became heavy and widened spotting Mirah lying on her belly on the ground. "Mirah!!! No!!!" He screamed and rushed to her  side. He sat by her side and slowly lifted her up. His chest tightened seeing the blood that was oozing from her side forehead. She had bruises all over her arm and face. He continued to shook his head and didn't even know when tears began to form in his eyes staring down at her. His greyish orbs stared at her huge belly all the way down to her legs and his breath stopped for a second. Her white gown was already stained with blood and was flowing down to her legs.

He quickly straightened her carefully and carried her up in bridal style before rushing towards the car while he screamed for help. Thomas came and was shocked before rushing to open one of the cars to let Christian place Mirah in. Ines and Calixster screamed seeing Mirah's state and her blood stained wedding gown.

"Mirah no!!!" Calixster ran towards her and screamed at Christian. "This is all your fault. You are toxic for her! I warmed her and now look." Calixster yelled even more and got into the backseat and held Mirah's head before placing it on her lap. She stroked her hair softly and whispered to her. "please wake up my dear," She could tell Mirah was still alive but got anxious and worried that her breathing was getting weaker by each passing moment.

Christian rushed into the drivers' seat but Thomas stopped him. "I'll drive bro. You're not in a condition to drive." Christian nodded and rushed towards the passenger's seat while Thomas took the wheels. Ines informed she will be coming in the other car.

They all drove to the nearest hospital. Christian rushed out and opened the backseat door before trying to hold Mirah but Calixster gave him the hard glare which Christian couldn't care less and just took Mirah in his arms before screaming for help as he ran into the hospital building. A stretcher was brought and Christian placed Mirah on the stretcher before the doctor and a few nurses rushed out.

"Doctor help please, she's...she's bleeding and isn't waking up." Christian broke down completely. The doctor nodded and checked her vitals. " We need to operate immediately. Nurse. Take her to the OT fast!" The nurses nodded and pushed the stretcher into the surgery room.

Christian was restricted from entering the OT and only stood behind the door placing one of his hand on the small circular window on the door and only stared at Mirah who was now being attended to by the doctor in sadness and pain. He had never felt this much pain in his life before. He always was restless everytime he thought of Mirah going away from him but now the thought actually becoming a reality was something he knew he couldn't bear.

He was at his lowest point right now and felt everything slipping away from his hands. More tears circulated his eyes and slowly muffles of sobs was heard coming out of his thin lips. The young man was now broken and Thomas watched him from a distance with a heavy heart. He had never seen Christian this low and upset. It didn't look good on him at all.

Christian slowly slided to the floor and weeped loudly bursting into tears. He knew he wouldn't be able to live if Mirah and his babies were taken away from him. He couldn't bear that and for the first time in his life prayed silently while staring above to someone who many people believed lived up in the heavens.

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