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Christian yelled in the empty dark warehouse while his men and Lucas stood speechless and watching their boss with sadness lingering in their eyes. After she left, their boss had return back to his ruthless and cold self. He was more ruthless than ever and wasn't stopping in these past seven years until he found who was the bastard that killed his entire family.

"What now...boss?" One of his men asked lowering his gaze. Christian narrowed his eyes at the man before his rage doubled and he grabbed the gun from one of his men nearby and pointed it at the man. The man stared at the gun with widened eyes and wished he hadn't blabbed his mouth. Christian's body heaved with more anger but not at the man in front of him but at himself.

He was damn upset at himself for not being able to save them. His family. He was being played and his love and kids were killed and he couldn't do a thing to stop them. He had been punishing himself for the past seven years and hadn't killed himself as to find his kids and Mirah's killer. He couldn't survive without her in this world and only the fire of revenge and vengeance burning inside of him was the only thing keeping him alive.

"Boss!" Lucas rushed and held the gun up which the pistol was fired in the air. The man who Christian pointed the gun at shivered in fear.

"Everyone out right now!" Lucas said out loud and all the men rushed outside before becoming the next victim after the dead man. Christian stared up at the ceiling before pulling his head harshly and growled. Another hopeless outcome in kidnapping the second man who posed as one of the nurses who took Mirah away from him at the hospital.

"He knew nothing as well." He whispered out. "We'll definitely find a lead soon boss and am also sure that the blasts that has been happening is directly from the same person who killed miss Mirah and...your kids." Lucas gulped knowing how much the subject of his kids always got to Christian.

"I have to go now. Tomorrow's their birthday. I need to get somethings." Christian whispered out and stormed out of the warehouse. Lucas stared at his broad back leaving the warehouse and sighed for long before his phone buzzed in his pants. He fished it out and answered the call before getting his brows furrowed. "I'll be there right now."

Christian got back to work that evening and tried getting his mind off things for a while but wasn't able to. The image of her emerald eyes kept flashing in his vision. How much he missed her and always imagined being with her and their kids as the perfect family living together. Many times during her pregnancy, he had always dreamed and imagined that picture and scenario of the perfect family and being a dad as well.

He called for his secretary to bring him his work details for the evening and was going through some files. He got a call from his mom but he declined the call. He knew what Ines wanted to talk to him about and he wasn't in the mood for it. His phone buzzed again and this time his eyes narrowed to the number of Sierra flashing on his screen. He also disconnected and got upset before he closed the file which he was looking into.

He heard a knock on his door and he motioned with his voice to come in. His secretary walked in after hearing his voice. "Sir...Miss Sierra is calling on the land-line. What should I do sir?" She asked. "Tell her am busy and if she keeps on calling...disconnect the call." Christian replied nonchalantly and leaned on his chair with a long sigh after his secretary left his office.

His phone buzzed again and he was now irked thinking it was Sierra again but then he saw it was the florist and quickly answered the call. "The flowers are ready Mr Christian." He heard the florist and a small smile graced his lips and his eyes were turning misty as well.

"Have them delivered to my home. You'll get your payment." Christian replied and disconnected the call before forcing himself to drown in his work for the entire night.

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