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I groaned loudly before stirring in my sleep. My eyes opened feeling my body lighter. I knew he was already gone again. Not that I cared about him staying next to me but it was really weird. This was the sixth day he left my room and the mansion without saying a word. I raised myself up to lay my back on the headboard and rubbed my eyes. I could still scent his fragrance in my room as always.

Lately he had become calm with me and that was very unexpected even for me to cope with. He stopped identifying me as his mistress but did sometimes call me his lover out of habit. He had been calmer than before but still that intense gaze of his still creeped me out. I was still upset and angry at him for robbing me off my virginity and having sex with me for a whole week of me being unconscious. Those crimes according to me weren't meant to be forgiven at all and I meant to keep it that way and prayed that one day seeing him this calm would also allow me to leave this house and stay with Mrs Ines.

I got up from my bed and immediately felt nauseous all of a sudden. My stomach was churning in tight knots and I hiccuped about to throw up. I rushed into the bathroom and threw up. After cleaning myself I stepped out of the bathroom and felt a lot better. I wandered what happened to me. Maybe the dinner of pancakes didn't sit well with me last night. I also recalled Mr Christian carrying up immediately after dinner to have sex with me. It had literally become a daily habit of his and I had no choice but to obey or not only my studies will be on the line, I would also be thrown out on the streets and being in a new country of knowing no one, Mr Christian and his family were the only people I knew here.

I came downstairs after getting ready. The maid served my breakfast but seeing the eggs and bacon didn't sit well with me and held my mouth not to throw up again. I quickly told the maid who was quick to replace it with pasta. Luckily pasta didn't make me nauseous and I gobbled them up. I saw the maid passing me a weird glance before she asked. "Are you feeling okay miss?"

"Am perfectly fine. Sorry for what you saw earlier. It's just that the pancakes last night didn't digest properly I guess." I repiled and the maid smiled and walked away. I finished my breakfast and was preparing for my tutoring classes for today. Miss Juliet was to come in an hour and I had already done all my homework and practiced my novel which we were going to talk about in today's class.

While I sat down in the also spacious second living room. This mansion had an unbelievable three living rooms. Two were downstairs while one was located upstairs. I was reading my novel once again on the sofa waiting for my tutor when I heard the honking of a car. Mr Christian was home early. It was still morning. I stood up and peeked outside the living room and saw Lucas walk in with a few bags and a tall pink suitcase. I saw him call out to someone. Two maids rushed out from the kitchen and took the bags and suitcase and I heard him say. "Take these to the guestroom at the end of the hall downstairs." Lucas spoke to them and the maids walked past towards a long hallway by the left. I haven't even seen and gone through that area before. This house was so huge and obviously many places I had never come across.

"Easy...easy, slowly." I heard an all too familiar voice. It was Mr Christian's voice. He was also home. I then saw some shadows at the doorway before a wheel was shown. Then it came more in. I quickly knew it was a wheelchair and I saw a woman sitting on it and Mr Christian pushing the wheelchair from behind for her.

Mr Christian was conversing something in a whisper I couldn't hear towards her and I saw that whatever he said made that woman laugh. Who was this woman and judging by her slightly bruised face and arms, she must have been in a serious condition. I felt bad for her but still wandered who was she. Mr Christian called out to some maids who came forward. "Some of you already know her. She's Helena and will be staying here so I want you all to be at her service twenty four seven at all times. I want her needs all catered and attended to at once."

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