The storm grew bigger and bigger, the wind blew with great force and the rain poured profusely. The alien stood his ground and held on to a wooden staff that he stuck in the ground.
"This isnt good!" he yelled as lighting roared in thunder. From a distance the alpacas watched from a rocky shelter. "Should we help him?" they asked them selfs as the wind started to get even more stronger. A giant leaf suddenly flew in to the entrance of the alpacas shelter covering the entrance as the blue space man held on for dear life. The alpaca rushed to help the space man, but he held on to the leaf. Then a loud boom shook all of them. "What was that?" they all asked. It had been so loud that even miles away it was heard. Even on the lonely mountain the youngling heard the loud boom. "What in the world?" said the youngling and added "Wait isn't that the direction that lavender alpaca went? I must help them!". He thought of the quickest way to get there and he started to hum a tune running towards a cliff jumping at the last second in to the abyss. "Would you catch me?" he whispered as a flying duck catched him taking him right in to the storm. The wind and rain where so dense that you could not see or hear anything besides the storm.But then, just as it started, it ended in a moment. And rays of sunshine pierced through the clouds. The youngling and the duck saw the alien lying on the mud next to two lakes and some giant boulders the size of regular boulders. "Are you ok?" Asked the youngling and "Quack" said the duck.
"Hahahaaha" laughed the alien rolling in the mud. "That was awesome!" he exclaimed. The alien got up and looked at the leaf and the space man. "Will you look at that" he said to him self looking around as he also noticed the lavander alpaca with the alpaca group. A bird with rizz, a crafter, a singer a gamemaster and some other friends where also there. "Ni hao you doing?" he greeted them. "It's so nice to finally get to see you all together." he said with a bright warm smile, brushing off some mud from his hair. "It was just as I was once told, one am I, two are we, three is a party, and you are all here now with me." Those words where strange... but they where true. The end.
Short StoryWho would have thought that a planet level threat would bring together a very unlikely group capable of saving the universe. Yeah I know its a cliche, but its a fun one. The universe might feel cold, or it might seem dark, but I like to think that i...