Traveling tales perspectives part 2

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A short story
Traveling Tales
Perspectives (part two)

Noticing the bubbles, the cyborg looked around and noticed the flowers around them. She recognized it as a highly poisonous plant used by the govermental intelligence to make a truth serum.

"Wait a moment, did you eat these flowers?" she asked the alien.

"No no, I mixed the flower with a strong base to make a nice drink." said the alien. "But it makes you breath bubbles they are cool."

The cyborg sighed and analized the spectral composition of one of the bubbles and it was confirmed, the chemical matched the truth serum to a very high concentration. She observed the alien for a while and could not get any readings from his vital sings. This was strange, but he was an alien from a distant world.

"If you dont mind me asking, what world do you come from?" asked the cyborg

"Hmm... interesting question, I dont come from a specific world. I guess you could say I was 'born' in a super massive black hole. Where my parents decided to raise me, but my dad used to take me to a Newtron star and to some pulsars to play a lot when I was stabilizint." said the alien

"What? A black hole!?" exclamed the cyborg shocked at what she heard. "how is that even possible?"

"Well its very simple actually, you are primarily made out of organic matter, a type 2 being, altho I still would like to understand what a cyborg actually is because it puzzels me to think an organic being is capable of sharing trates with an android... any who you are made out of matter also known as 'nominal matter' to be precise. But my species, we are 'strange matter' and 'dark matter' creatures. Our bodies are stable and visible to you thanks to the integration of rare elements that I cannot explain at the moment because I it would violate galactic law." said the alien

"Ok... still sounds very weird. But do you miss something about your home?" asked the cyborg

"Well, I miss the strong gravitational pull. and the dense matter I used to eat back home? Its a little difficult to explain for me to humans because I still dont understand a lot of your way or experiencing life its mostly opposite to mine" he said trying to explain the very different concept of his home environment.

"Is there something you dislike about humans then?" asked the cyborg.

"Hm... I haven't really thought about it. The only thing that just came to mind was how humans are too quick to come to conclusions, because usually humans think I'm a threat and they attack me, you never attack a possible threat, you wait for them to take the first move, like earlier before. . .  Or when they dont take enough time to understand difficult concepts and just disregard them like it doesn't matter." said the alien.

"Oh. So thats why you did not attack me earlier?" asked the cyborg

"You where not completely human, but you where not completely an android. You also did not attack, but I had to be ready to protect Blue. Humans are really fragile, but they are strong. But I don't know what you are capable of doing so I have to wait and see." said the alien.

"Do you fear something might happen to your friends with me around?" asked the cyborg

"Not really, I know you're not a threat to them now." said the alien confidently

"How can you be so sure?" asked the cyborg

"Hm... good question. Are you going to hurt my friends" Asked the alien

"Well, no, I would never hurt them. But what if I only say that to fool you? Wouldn't that bother you?" said the cyborg

"Ive dealt with a lot of beings that have tried to decieved me, I can assure you, you are not one of them." said the alien

"How can you be so sure?" asked the cyborg
"Experience I guess. But let me tell you this, even a blind being like me can see the light that shines off those metallic parts you got, you have more potential for good than you think, so don't worry about hurting others so much and just focus on what is within your power... You probably are doing a lot more than you give yourself credit for, and I dont know how you think and process stuff but thats what I get" the alien said nodding and popping a bubble.

The cyborg went quiet for a moment and thought about what the alien said...

The space man turned around and said wait I want to know some stuff as well if you are on a truth serum.

To be continued

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