Traveling Tales Perspectives part 3

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A short story
Traveling Tales
Perspectives (part three)

The space man walked circles around the alien looking at him in the same manner police officers interrogate suspects in movies.

"Now tell me this, Kosmic of the black hole -said the spaceman in a playful manmer- who is your least favorite person here?" -as he walked up close to the alien.

The alien's expression changed to a serious one. "People who ask those types of questions" he said as he then started laughing. "Sorry that was a joke."

"Haha, ok ok, do you have a best friend?" asked the spaceman

"Hm... based on the definition you gave me some time ago, I have many friendships, each one with different dynamics and interactions. Some are closer than others, and I spend more time with some than that of the time I spend with others..." as the alien talked an unnecessarily long answer the space man noticed that not many bubbles where coming out of the alien's mouth so he ran up to a bush and grab a whole bunch of flowers and brought them to the alien. "Here! Do the thing you did before and drink them! I need more time to ask my questions." he requested from the alien, so the alien did as he was asked, now having much more bubbles being breath out.

"Now... Kosmic, do you ever think I'll ever find someone?" asked the spaceman in a lower voice.

"Someone how?" asked the alien.

"Well, someone, like a spacewoman. A partner I mean." he replied.

The alien looked at the spaceman and put his hand on the spaceman's shoulder. Then the alien did something he rarely does and lifted his hair out of his eyes, revealing a set of eyes like no other, they resembled something out of a astronomy picture, a dark background filled with many clusters of distant galaxies and space dust. And the alien said; "You know the answer to this question, but I also know your question isn't *if* you will ever find someone, but when, and why hasn't it happen yet. And yes, I would like to tell you so many things, but I do not understand many of the emotions you are dealing with, so I am very limited to the help I can give you. But just know I am here to listen when ever you feel its too much even if it takes a while for me to understand. Because I want to be a reliable friend to you."

The alien smiled and put his hair back to how it was. As the two friends where talking the cyborg and the youngling saw what just had happen and where in shock for both of them, this was the first time seeing the alien's eyes.

"Wait, now that I noticed your hair goes darker the closer its to your hair but its usually green. Is that natural for you or do you dye it?" asked the spaceman

"You think I dye my hair? Whats the point on dyeing my hair if I cant see the visible color spectrum? To my visual senses my hair resembles more the leafs of many trees from your planet... And you told me they are also green so it makes sense tho." said the alien

"Hah! I knew it, you broccoli head" said the spaceman

"Haha, good one fish bowl" said the alien as they both laughed.

"What? You two just had a heartfelt moment and immediately switch to making fun of each others heads?" said the cyborg

"You'd be surprised of how easy it is for us to behave idiotically when we are together." said the spaceman

"Yeah, it helps us to not put our selfs on pedestals, you know avoid bad overconfidence." said the alien

"Speak for your self, im a total package" said the spaceman as the youngling and the alien rolled their eyes and laughed.

"Wait before you run out of bubbles again, do you wash your hands after going to the bathroom? And did you eat my food when I wasn't looking, because I am missing three rations of dried meat." asked the alien

"Yes, I usually disintegrate contaminants by using high energy particles. But I also follow human custom and use liquid water and soap. And yes, I was going to get you more but I forgot. Sorry for that." said the alien

"Hah! I knew it" said the spaceman walking a bit faster.

"Wait... If this is a truth serum, I want to ask a question too." said the youngling

"Sure what is it?" said the alien

"Where are my parents?" asked the youngling as the alien was eating another flower and he chocked with it, starting to cough...

To be continued.

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