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The experience of returning home after everything that happened in Rome was like defeat. I wanted to commit suicide because I felt so useless. I had no intention of doing anything, but I had a strong desire to try.

As I traveled back home, I was able to think of new alternatives and couldn't find a better way that wasn't the most extreme. No matter how it would affect me or others, I came to the conclusion that I needed it. I needed to be extreme.

That same day, I recalled my lawyer and requested an urgent meeting. I was prepared to take three major steps before I disappeared.

I plan to sign a written agreement with Mr. Bower. A court decision that cannot be altered under any circumstances. It would protect Harry and the children, it was a priority for me and a big relief.

I would resign as president and CEO, but I would do so without my father's knowledge. I would submit the offer to Liam, he would probably accept and I would be free. A large part of everything would always be mine, but I would avoid continuing to work there. Although it wasn't what my mother wanted, I was about to give up on her request.

I would divorce Louis immediately. Being alone was much more advantageous than being around him, so I wouldn't be around him anymore.

All this would surely lead me to receive many types of lawsuits and many people trying to suck my money and my peace. But after all, every kind of act leads to consequences and I was going to the extreme, so the consequences would also be extreme. At that time, going to war against those people was my only means of winning, and I needed to win something.

I had already lost so many battles, and the last one ended up being the most painful for me. It was as if I had been punched in the chest by Harry's decision to not be by my side anymore. It was too much to handle.

I was left with nothing to lose, nothing mattered anymore.

"I knew you would come, baby" Louis said as he came up to give me a kiss on the cheek.

I didn't react, I just waited for him to move away so that I could greet Liam who was also present.

"Hey man. Are you okay?" My best friend asked and hugged me. He was already aware of everything that was going on, but he had no idea why I had called him.

"I'm fine..." I said as I pulled away and looked at Louis. "Can you leave us alone? Liam and I have a serious business to discuss."


We watched Louis leave so that Liam and I could finally have our talk.

"I'll ask you a question and you'll have to answer it honestly, okay?" I said it first.

"Okay. Go ahead."

It's possible that Liam was not prepared for what was to come, but I hope he was.

"Would you accept to be the new CEO of the Malik's?"

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