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It was Saturday and Louis was asleep again. So I decided to go to the edge of the pool in the morning just to get my feet wet. The heat in London was similar to yesterday.

Jacob told me Harry went to get some medication for Caleb. The last time I saw him yesterday was when he said goodbye to Teresa and Penelope as the two girls were going to their mother's home.

I wait until he came back and when he did, he came and sat next to me. Harry smiled and put his feet in the pool as well. 

"Good morning." he said.

"Good morning." I replied back, as I moved my feet a little in the water. "Does Caleb feel better?"

"A little. He got a fever last night, but he's already under medication. Fortunately, my uncle Greg is a doctor, so I didn't have to leave the house in the early morning hours to bring him to the hospital."

"You look more like his father than his brother" I told an absolute truth.

"I'm just a good brother, my father is not a good father."

"I think it's wonderful to see how much Caleb loves about you, how much he needs you to care for him. By the way, that nickname you give each other is really cute even if I don't know what it means." I said as I referred to the word "fatellino" which is what they used to call each other.

"It means 'little brother' in Italian, but it's grammatically incorrect since 'fratellino' has an 'r', but Caleb can't pronounce it correctly." he smiled. "It turned out to be a joke between the two of us and now we only communicate that way. I don't think he even remembers my real name."

It made me laugh and when we looked down, we saw that our feet were almost touching each other. That made me push his to the side in a playful way and I had my foot pushed back. That made us laugh even harder.

"You were about to say something to me yesterday, weren't you? About the wedding." Harry asked, catching my attention to his face once again.

"Oh yeah... that wasn't really a big deal." I said as I took my eyes off his.

"Tell me what it is!" said he, playing' with our feet again.

"It was about my marriage vows, I had no inspiration and I wanted to write something good."

"It's much cooler when we don't write anything. You'll feel it when you walk up the aisle with him, your heart will be full of things to say with a different and unique feeling."

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