Chapter 15

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Meanwhile, SpongeBob and Squidward decided to rest up at the hotel to help spend their time peacefully.

Without worrying too much about what could or couldn't happen at the competition.

"Do you want to see if we can find a movie to watch on TV?" SpongeBob suggested while they walked into their room and close the door behind them.

"Sure. I just need to check our email real quick for the next round." Squidward said as he logs into the computer over on the desk area and scrolled through until he found the specific email in the inbox and clicked on it.

After reading through the large paragraph, he then glances over at the list of ingredients and immediately started to laugh.

"Haha! Oh, this has got to be hilarious. SpongeBob come over here and take a look at our next ingredients for the show." Squidward said while highlighting the list on the email to help it bring in more focus.

"Ooo, really? What is it...." SpongeBob said excitedly as he walks over to him and leaned onto the computer screen to see what he was talking about until he noticed the word 'crab' on the list and dropped his expression, completely.

"Oh" SpongeBob mumbled in surprise.

"Don't worry. It's not real crab. The imitation form is just sea tofu, but it's supposed to taste like a crab. As if anybody's ever ate a real crab in years." Squidward said, rolling his eyes.

"Gahaha. Well we better not tell Mr. Krabs then. Or otherwise he'll think we have murderous sea creatures out to get him." SpongeBob giggled.

"Ha. That old sea crustacean believes that he can't be hacked into pieces as long as he got his trusty sea legs. I swear all of his stories of when he was a pirate seems to more and more fake every time he talks about them." Squidward said with small chuckle.

"So...what can we make with it?" SpongeBob asked, curiously.

"Hmm. I'm not sure actually. The list is a little bit weird this time but, I suppose we can switch up cultures a bit a try something different like..." Squidward said as he thought about what to use until common Asian seafood came to mind and went along with that idea.

"How about seaweed crab wrap with soy sauce and cheesy rice balls. It'll be like taking a trip to the Japanese sea right in the home of Bottoms up." Squidward explained with interest.

"Ooo. That might actually sound good." SpongeBob emphasized excitedly with 'stars' glistening in his eyes.

"Pfft. You sure you can handle it? I don't want our star chef to get sick off of having a little crab in their food." Squidward joked.

"Oh yeah, it'll be claws and all as long as we plenty of Crabohydrates in them. Gahahaa." SpongeBob joked with his cheesy puns.

"Ha. Ha. Real comedian there. No wonder you stood out in the talent show." Squidward said sarcastically, rolling his eyes with a small smile, before ruffling up SpongeBob's head with his hand.

"Heh, thanks." SpongeBob said, his cheeks streaking in red blush.

Has he always been this friendly with me?

Or am I just imagining it?

Hoping that he actually enjoys spending time with me.

SpongeBob thought heavily with worry.

No matter how many times he had to be reminded that Squidward means well during their past few arguments.

He couldn't help but to have this irking feeling in his mind, warning him over and over again that Squidward was not completely honest about their friendship.

And with each day passing by, he wonders how he'll get through the rest of the trip.

Without knowing how to get this massive fear out of his head.

Until Squidward's question suddenly interrupted his thinking.

"So is there a particular movie that you wanted to see?" Squidward asked.

"O...oh! Yeah, there was this movie that came out a long time ago and I never got a chance to watch it. It was about this girl that met this guy in college and they were fighting about how men and women should or shouldn't be good friends and....oh, never mind. It's probably too cheesy and girlish for you to see." SpongeBob said, trying to brush off the suggestion until his next words surprised him.

"Actually, that sounds like a good film to watch." Squidward said, with a small smile.

"Really? I...I mean, are you sure? We can always pick out a different movie to watch if you don't want to." SpongeBob said, rubbing his neck nervously.

"Yeah, why not? A chick flick would be something different. Plus, there's not a lot of movies that I feel like seeing, anyways. Just as long as we both relax for a little bit." Squidward said

"Alright if you're sure about it then...okay! I'm ready! Let's get some kelp popcorn and soda for our movie night." SpongeBob said excitedly in glee as Squidward's smile started to glow warmly. 

He loved seeing that bright grin on Spongebob face.

Even if it means that he'll have to deal with this nervous feeling of having soft little butterflies fluttering in his stomach later.

Once the two had their popcorn and drinks ready, they sat on the couch in the living room of the hotel and played the movie through Live TV from one of the available programming channels.

Soon Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal characters appeared on the screen as story plays out with the two bickering in their passive-aggressive messy arguments, like an old married couple.

While SpongeBob slowly leaned his head against his shoulder, comfortably.

As Squidward's face starts to redden again in nervousness.

Until suddenly there was this strange sense of ease that helped him calm down.

As if somehow his trust in SpongeBob over the years has made him used to his closeness.

This feels.....

So warm.

They both thought to themselves while quietly watching the rest of the movie.

As the two unexpectedly fell asleep on each other before the movie ever ended.


The next day came around as the two will soon realize that they had been sleeping so near each other.

With their limited space even closer than when they were sharing the bed earlier.

As Squidward wakes up to see SpongeBob, not only had his head leaned onto his shoulder.

But had also wrapped his arms around him like a big fluffy teddy bear.

Squidward's heart begin to race fast as he sees the little guy so snug in his arms.

It was scaring him.

With an urge to want to run away from it all and shove him out of the way.

Until he immediately stopped from the moment that he lightly touched SpongeBob arms and dropped everything at once in a sigh.

For some reason he's getting too be soft for his own good.

Maybe it's because....


After the competition is over...

I should tell him.

But...I'm such a coward.

I wonder if he'll ever forgive me.

For keeping this to myself for so long.

Even before we ever took this trip together

Squidward thought to himself while waiting for SpongeBob to wake up as he starts to close his eyes and fall back to a nap-like sleep.

Seeing that they still have two more hours to rest up until they have to get up for the day.

And with that, he didn't mind.

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