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A few months later passed by as SpongeBob gets ready for another day of work.

Only this time, he is not alone.

As he puts on his uniform and goes through his daily morning routine before leaving the house with a smile.

Where Squidward, who was also dressed for work, was waiting outside his door with a small present in his hand.

"Well, it looks like you're going to be the new manager of the Kristy Krab. How does that feel?" Squidward asked curiously with a brightened smile.

"Scary. But at the same time, it's nice to know that I could do more for my favorite restaurant in the whole sea. Gahaha." SpongeBob spoke in his usual giddy voice with a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his neck, anxiously.

"I believe that. Here, I got you something." Squidward said before handing him his gift.

Which was rectangled-shaped in a neatly green and white striped wrapping with a blue bow on top.

"Aw. Squidward you didn't have to." SpongeBob said modestly with red blushes across his cheeks.

"Well, I wanted to do something nice for you and I figured that this would be a start." Squidward explained with pink blushes across his cheeks as well.

"Oh wow. It's a....." SpongeBob was going to confirm while opening the gift up until he paused to take a closer look at what the item actually is before smiling brightly like a glowing star.

He could feel his own heart jump a million miles away.

And his grin widened as big as the crescent moon.

"Charm bracelet. With each piece of charm representing all the things that we got to do together. With the spatula as our work place and cooking trip, the house as our living space, the music note as our opera visit, the horizon sun as our sunset spot on the hills, and the telescope-" Squidward started to explain proudly until SpongeBob happily finished his sentence.

"-as our night watching of the stars...Oh Squidward. This is so nice but...what's with the heart charm? What does that one mean?" SpongeBob asked curiously.

"It's means that you belong to my grouchy old heart that has been kept locked away in the dark for so long..... Until you were able to bring it back to life with your brightest and kindest heart. I know I don't say this a lot but..." Squidward spoke softly while gently placing the bracelet around SpongeBob's wrist before lifting his chin up and leaned closer to the level of his height.

"I love you. And even if I don't show it enough, I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, every single day." Squidward said with a smile.

"Gahaha. Is that supposed to be a vow? It sounded a bit too cheesy to say out loud." SpongeBob giggled in a ticklish laughter. 

"I-I! W-well! I was hoping that it would be a good speech to help describe how I feel and-"Squidward tried to excuse himself nervously before he was interrupted with his laugh.

"Gahaha. I'm just messing with you, Squiddy. I...I love you too." SpongeBob said before wrapping his arms around Squidward's neck and immediately pulled him into a kiss.

With the two now spending the rest of their lives making it the happiest in the sea.

And with all the changes and smiles in Bikini Bottom, others have wondered what would happen next.


Things were back normal as usual for the Krusty Krab, with all the things going well for both the business and the two who are about to start the next chapter of their lives, together.

As for Squid Ink.

The investigations took a twisted turn for Squillaim when Jim, who we all remembered to be the invisible pawn in his games, turned in the very evidence of his vandalism and forms of cheating from the competition itself.

Starting with the video of the place being trashed up by his masked buddies that he had hired to help.

And ended with the very exchange of money outside the hotel to do the rotten crime.

Causing a warrant for his arrest on many charges.

Which set off an immediate action for closure of his restaurant.

Almost as if he was lining up with plankton on the city's worst restaurant list.

While the gang involving Patrick Sandy and Mr. Krabs, are all on ears after getting fresh news of the couple's new bonded relationship straight from the neighbor's mouth next door.

At which of course, they decided to respectfully keep things among themselves.

Seeing how their friends are finally able to see each other's brightest stars shine like a constellation in the sky.

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