Chapter 3

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At Engfa House

Engfa is known to be nice but she's known to be serious when needed. Freen and Engfa was walking back with Engfa bodyguards until a paparazzi came out of nowhere taking pictures of them. One of Engfa bodyguards caught her and Freen before they could hit the ground. The other guard was flirting with someone. More of Engfa body guards ran out pushing the paparazzi and breaking the camera. Once they got inside the house all the bodyguards were standing by the door and looked at the bodyguard who was flirting. Engfa put the food down on the table and walked up the unprofessional bodyguard and punched him in the face causing him to fall. All the other bodyguards was waiting for Engfa to hit them as well but she didn't.

Engfa:Get him out of him. Don't let him near any of us again. Have him fired and make sign the NDA. Your supposed to protect us it your flirting on the job. I mean it. I don't want to see him again. (Walks away angry)

Freen:Be glad the food is still hot. (Walks to the table)

Becky:What happen?

Freen:A paparazzi found Engfa and i when we went to get food. The dude caught us off guard and took a pic of us with the flash on up close. Then one of them was flirting which made the other one hurry and catch us from falling.(eats)

Engfa:Where's charlotte?

Becky:She's upstairs. She said she'll be back. I guess the dream she had is getting to her or something.

Engfa:What dream?

Becky:She said she had a dream that we all did a reality show and once certain stuff got into the public eye things went downhill. I told her not to listen to them but she's just stuck in her head. Maybe you can try talking to her. You know her better then I do. (Eating)

Freen:Yeah maybe you can talk to her.

Engfa:I don't think it will work. I can barely say anything to her without stumbling over my words.

Freen:That's normal. Your just nervous. Just talk to her and see what happens.

Engfa:Okay. I'll try.

Engfa headed upstairs and saw Charlotte sitting on the bed with her head against her knees. Engfa felt bad and gently hugged Charlotte.

Engfa:Remember what I told you? There will be people who will try to stop you from succeeding. The only way you can stop is if your confident in yourself. Don't let anyone control you. You thought about this show and had multiple dreams about doing it. Now it's here. Don't give up on it because some trolls are bored. When people say something negative about someone that person who they was speaking negative on because a positive person in life. Please Charlotte don't give up yet.

Char:How do you always know what to say?

P'Fa:Because your my friend and I always worry about you. I don't want anything to happen to you. I care about you so much and the thought of losing you hurts. So please don't do anything.

Charlotte(turns red):I- I won't. I promise.

P'Fa:Good. Now should we go back downstairs?


Englot headed downstairs and started to eat with FreenBeck. Char was eating but then froze and blushed from a flashback.

Englot on live together

Engfa:(Reading a comment):Charlotte clarity about why you wanted to suck P'Fa fingers. Scary. (Laughs) why are you so scary?

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