Chapter 21

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At the interview

Engfa didn't want to cover the hickies so she wore a turtleneck neck while Charlotte had on makeup. Engfa walked up to the table and sat down with the girls and her bodyguard all around. Fans cheered for everyone but mostly for Engfa. The interviewer gave Engfa the mic and looked at the paper.

Kim:So we were told talk you wanted to talk about the comment that person made under your post right?


Kim:Let's get straight into it na. So from what fans saw is that someone commented under your post calling you a pedo and staying that you forced Charlotte into dating you is that correct.


Kim:What drove you to do such a thing? Did you even think about family and friends even your fans?

Charlotte:Watch how your talking to her na. She took it upon herself to talk about this situation.

Tina:If your just going through it in her face we will walk off this stage and I will gladly trash it too.


Engfa(looks at fans then her friends):I'm sorry na. (Takes a deep breath)

Charlotte(stands up)

Engfa(holds Char hand and makes her sit down):Your right at the time my mind was foggy and I wasn't thinking about anyone. My dog Kiew was always train to do things in case of emergency. I guess he knew I was going to do that. My dad had a lot of equipment in the garage that we never got rid of. I saw a rope laying there so I grabbed it and went into the backyard tied the rope around the tree and my neck. Then that's when I replied to that comment saying I'll give them their wish. I had my phone in my hand and knocked the chair down. I didn't bother to struggle. As soon as I felt like I was on my last breath I felt someone holding my waist which was Charlotte and Heidi and Tina was taking off the rope. After that I felt so stupid. Seeing them cry broke me so bad. Especially seeing Charlotte cry like that it made me realize I do need to come to my family and friends more when I'm going through something.

Kim:How did they know? Did you call them?

Engfa:I'll let them tell you.

Charlotte(takes the mic and stares at Kim):Me Heidi and Tina we were on l-

Kim:Ah! Can we play the video of them finding out? We can? Someone play it na.

Char(stares at Tina and mouths):Did she really just cut me off?

Tina:Mm. (Looks at the video)

Everyone watched the video including Engfa. Engfa frozen while watching the video seeing everyone rushing out the house. Hearing her mother and sister crying to Kiew whining and barking hurt her even more. Engfa held onto her chest where her heart is as tears where falling.

Fans:TURN THE VIDEO OFF! Turn the video off! Turn the video off!

Kim(Immediately turns the video off and gives Engfa napkins):I'm sorry. You never saw the live)

Engfa:Mai. I knew if I did I would cry seeing everyone panic including the fans panicking like that.

Char(takes the mic from Engfa):You didn't even bother to ask her was she comfortable watching it! Then you have the nerve to cut me off like that! It was better if we said it instead of playing the fucking video like it was okay na! Are you stupid or something?!  (Stands up) Have you lost your mind?! Do you not have a heart?! (Gets close to Kim) What if your lover did the same thing huh? What if they tried killing themselves then finds a video of their family and love ones crying and panicking?! How the fuck would you feel huh?!

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