Chapter 18

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Engfa answered the phone and went out on the balcony to not wake Charlotte.


?:Is Charlotte up?

Engfa:No ma'am. Whats wrong?

Chars Mom:Oh nothing I'm glad you answered. I'm in Thailand for the week and I was going to surprise Charlotte. Can you keep it a secret?

P'Fa:Mm. Yes ma'am. I should head back t-

Char(joins Engfa):Bie it's 2:30am why are you up so early? (Sleepy voice)

P'Fa:Sorry I got a phone call from Boss. He told me to take a week off.

Char:Well hurry I can't sleep without na. Your my bolster na.

P'Fa: Mm okay bie go back inside it's cold out here.

Char:Mm (goes back into bed)

P'Fa: I should Mae. I'll delete this so Charlotte won't know. See you soon.

Mae:Meet me at the restaurant down the street from Charlottes place around 3pm?

P'Fa:Chai! Goodnight. (Hangs up)

P'Fa hurried back in bed and Char cuddled up with Engfa and fell asleep. Morning arrived and the couple was still asleep in the room. Charlotte was sweating and heavy breathing in her sleep which caused Engfa to wake up. Charlotte was gripping the bedsheets and was moaning in her sleep. Engfa was confused until Charlotte said Engfa name but moaned it instead. A few minutes later Charlotte woke up out of her sleep heavily breathing. She looked around and saw Engfa was "asleep". Charlotte hurried out of bed and went to take a shower. While she was in the shower Engfa went into the bathroom and got ready to brush her teeth.  After a few Charlotte got out the shower and smiled at Engfa.

Char:Can I kiss you P'Fa?

P'Fa:You don't have to ask na.

Char(Kisses Engfa):Can I kiss you again?

Engfa(stares at Char):Mm.

Char(smiles and kisses Engfa):Mm.

Engfa:What was that for?

Char:Can I do it again?

Charlotte started to kiss Engfa again. Engfa put her toothbrush down and wrapped her arms around Chars waist. Charlotte hand slowly slid her hand down Engfa boxers. Engfa immediately grabbed Charlotte hand and stopped her. Charlotte bit her bottom lip and looked at Engfa.

Char:Do not resist me. (Smiles)

Englot started kissing again and Charlotte put her hand back in Engfa boxers. Engfa face was so red and she was so turned on. Char started to finger Engfa which made her moan softly. Charlotte movements became faster which made Engfa release herself onto Charlottes fingers. Char removed her fingers and blushed.

Char:While your in the shower I'm going to wash my sheets and um make breakfast. (Kisses Engfa)

Eng(Shocked and still blushing):Mm.

Later On

Tina:How did you two sleep?

Charlotte(blushes):Good. How about you two?

Tina(smirks):Real good.

Heidi:I'm sore still. (Eating)

Engfa:Nu I made us an lunch reservation at 3. You two can come if you want.

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