Chapter 6

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Engfa watched the girls go outside which gave Freen an opportunity to finally tell Engfa what she wanted to say.

Freen:So remember when I said there's something in need to ask you?


Freen:Well advice on.

Engfa:Go ahead.

Freen:Well let's say I like someone. I mean I really really like her.

Engfa(drinks water):Mhm.

Freen:She's so cute. I won't go into details but I (sighs) I really wanna date her but the thing is those toxic fans ruin shit and I don't want it to ruin what we have. We said to let it flow and what happens happen but fuck it I want everyone to know that I'm in love with her. I just don't know how. What advice do you have for me?

Engfa:I understand everything your feeling. I caught feelings for someone who never had a girlfriend before and I told her she should try it. At first I was saying she should try some one else but she told me if it's not with me she doesn't want it. She still young so I want her to make sure she understands her feelings and make sure this is what she wants. We dated but there were people who didn't like us together. (Sighs) I fell deeply in love with her but I don't know how she feels.

Freen(Looks at Engfa):Sounds like it's communication problems.

Engfa:She knows how I feel I guess she's too shy to talk about hers. Anyways my advice for you is fuck them trolls. They don't control your life. You control you. There will be people who will try to say things to ruin it but it doesn't define you Freen. If you really love that person let them know but do it when your ready. Don't force you to do something your not ready for. If you rush it it will become unstable and hard to tame you know? So when you feel like the moment is right do it.

Freen(smiles):Thank you for the talk. Can I hug you?

Engfa:Yes of course (hugs Freen) I know who your talking about too. She's younger then you right? Just wait for right time. I know she gives you signs.

Freen:Mm. I will. Tomorrow Becky and I have this fan meeting. It's a private event but a lot of fans will be there and I want you and Charlotte there please.

Engfa(looks at her schedule on her phone):Mm. I'm kidding I'll be there for you.

Freen:Thank you. The girls are coming now.

Engfa and Charlotte got dressed and got into the van. Engfa loved the idea that her and Charlotte was matching outfits.

Engfa:Tomorrow you and I are going to the FreenBeck event.

Charlotte:But ours is tomorrow too.

Engfa:I already talk to Boss. They but our event together. I told him to still focus on FreenBeck more because it's mostly theirs.

Char(Looks at Engfa and plays in Engfas hair):I'm so happy. Thank you for letting us do this. I miss them so much.

Engfa:Anything for you Nu.

Char(blushes and looks at the camera):We are going to go see Heidi and Tina. (Smiles and does a little dance)

The camera caught the way Engfa stared at Charlotte. The way she smiled and the way her eyes stayed on Charlotte. Once they arrived the got out the van they walked to the door and before they could knock they heard a scream. Tina hurried and opened the door immediately hugging Charlottes and Engfa. They walked into the house closing and locking the door behind them.

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