Chapter 5

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Charlotte woke up after Engfa tweeted. Engfa fell back to sleep and Charlotte noticed the cameraman in there bedroom. Charlotte noticed she was naked and covered herself up. Charlotte grabbed her glasses off the nightstand and put them on. Since she was naked and carefully climbed on top on Engfa and tried waking her up. Engfa would wake up. Charlotte didn't know if they were recording or not. She gently pinched Engfas cheek and whispered in her ear that the cameras was recording them. Engfa immediately got up and looked around.

Engfa:Did we do anything?

Charlotte:Haha no.

Engfa:Did I do anything?

Char:No (laughs) Although your money that you tweeted out you gave it to me. You told me to keep the change (laughs) Thank you Sia. I'm sure fans who shipped us save that whole live.

Engfa:Mm my head.

Charlotte:I would get up but I'm naked.

Engfa carefully pulled the covers over Charlotte and death glared at the cameraman.

Engfa:Get out please and stop the camera.

Cameraman:Y-yes ma'am (turns the camera off immediately and leaves out the room)


Charlotte(smiles):Yes thank you. (Puts clothes on) Your not mad at me are you?

Engfa:No. what did you spend the money on.

Char:Stuff for the hangover and the noodle we ate last night. You don't remember anything from last night?

Engfa:No I don't I'm sorry.

Char:Not even before you fell asleep?

Engfa:I remember you kissing my cheek neck and my lips. But I really don't remember anything else.

Char:Oh but you remember that though. (Laughs and stands up) Ready to be on camera now?

Engfa:Mm. Are you making breakfast?

Char:Yes. Wanna help me?


Charlotte just had on Engfas favorite shirt which was an oversized T shirt. Charlotte just wore just her bra the shirt and underwear that's it. Engfa had on her sweatpants and her button down pajama shirt. They headed downstairs to see the cameras recording Becky and Freen who were on their laptop working.

Freen:Well well well. Someone is finally up.

Engfa:Don't tease me I don't remember anything.

Char:Just the kissing. Anyways what do you all want for breakfast.

Engfa:I'll make Jok(porridge). And maybe Tom Yum Kung(seafood)

Char:Becky do you want pancakes bacon and eggs? I have American food too.

Becky:Mm yes please. I can help.

Char:No you two finish working.

Freen:You two are like mae(mom) and phaw(dad). (Laughs with Becky)

Engfa(tries not to blush):No we are just friends nothing more. Let's cook now.

Becky:Oh I did go to you guys concert last year. When you both was crying and said that you'll wait for her. That you don't wanna put pressure on her. You were so bold for that.

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