Chapter 16

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The Interview

Engfa took a deep breath and look at Charlotte who seemed really nervous. Engfa pulled Charlotte into a private room and gently kissed her. Charlotte looked down smiling before staring back at Engfa and giving her another kiss.

Engfa:Your going to do great. Just breathe. If you want I can do all the talking. I talk a lot anyway.

Freen:And we will support you.

Char(jumps):When did you to get back? How did you two get here?

Becky:We asked the hairstylist. We got back late last night but we are leaving again after this interview. We wanted to be here to support you two.

Char:This means a lot. Also Engfa you never answered my question.

P'Fa:What is it Nu?

Char:What did you mean when you said I have neighbors and you don't?

Freen(laughs):It's a sexual joke. Basically since she has no neighbors you can be loud.

Engfa(blushes):Yep. That's exactly what it means.

Char(hits Engfa and blushes):Ooii.

Engfa:Ready to go?


Becky:Let's go Freen.

Engfa helped Charlotte onto stage and bowed to the interviewer and the crowd. They both sat down but Engfa didn't want Charlotte to be uncomfortable so she sat closer to the guy. Charlotte was still nervous which the guy noticed.

Nate:Hey don't be nervous Charlotte. Welcome back to Thailand.

Charlotte:Thank you.

Nate:The first have I'll be asking questions then the rest of time we will be picking fans to ask their questions.

Engfa:We wasn't told about about fans asking us.

Nate:My apologies I thought we told you both in a email.

Engfa:It's okay. Let's just get started.

Charlotte got even more nervous after hearing Nate say fans was going to ask questions. Fan's notice how nervous Charlotte was. Engfa could feel it and gently placed her hand onto Charlottes leg and gently rubbed her leg. Charlotte blushed and took a sip from Engfas water bottle before calming down.

Nate:Okay for the first question. Engfa it's been told you got into an argument with the waiter when you were in the US na Kab. Did you h-


Nate kept asking unserious questions which most of time Charlotte was just playing with the fans. They took an hour break before coming back on stage and it was time for fans to ask questions.

Engfa:Before we start I want to say please be mindful of what you ask. If it's 18+ I would advise you to ask a different way.

Charlotte:But Bie I think everyone here is 17+ na. It's okay.

Engfa(smiles and sits down):Okay let's get started.

Nate:Okay each fan has a random number on there card. You two choose a number and a fan will ask a question.

Engfa:Charlotte would you like to go first?

Char:Don't call me by my name I'm not use to it. (Pouts)

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