Chapter 11

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Englot x FreenBecky Event

Fans started taking their seats it excited to see their idols. Behind the stage everyone was nervous but excited. Freen on the other hand was super nervous. She couldn't stop shaking. Only thing she could think about is what if she messes up? What if she can't say what she wanna say? What I-

Engfa:Hey! Don't overthink you got this okay na?

Freen(takes a deep breath):Mm. You not nervous?

Fa:Trust me I am but I know I'm not alone. I know I'll have you Nu and Becky up there with me. So I'm okay. I'll close my eyes if I get too nervous.

Freen:Thank you. I'll go check on Becky. (Leaves)

Char(Backhugs Engfa):P'Fa. Are you sure they brought snacks?

Fa:You hungry?

Char(smirks):Maybe. For you. (Kisses Engfa cheek)

Fa(gay panics):Charlotte. It will be snacks on stage.

Becky:You two ready? We are going up stage soon.

Freen:Now actually we going now.

Engfa(smiles):Lets do this.

The group went up on stage and started to dance and sing. The fans were screaming on so loud that Becky couldn't help to smile. After dancing and singing for a while the group sat down on the couch and started to drink from there water bottles. The host of the event greeted them before starting the show.

Host(talking in English):I can't believe we are here with Englot and FreenBecky! Everyone give them around of applause. (Smiles) So we are going to start this segment off with easy but hot questions. Let's start with Becky. We have a translator too if you want to speak Thai as well. First question Becky how long did it take to do Episode 8 3/4?

Becky(in English):Oh we starting off hot hot huh? (Laughs) It's was a one take. I don't know if everyone knows but it was not scripted. (Fans screaming)  so it was a one take. We was just going with the flow.

Host:Going with the flow huh. (Laughs and looks at the Freen) Okay Freen your question is how do you cheer Becky on?

Freen(waits for the translator then laughs):My English not good but I say "Good job Beckyyy. Your doing good".

Becky(laughs):She really does. Every time she wakes up the first thing she do is call me.


Engfa(laughs and smiles):A lot of people na.

Host:It's a lot of fans for the both of you. This question is for Charlotte. Who do you know that Engfa is mad and how to you cheer her up?

Fans:Ohhh!!! Charlotte!!!

Char(waits for the translator then blushes):Oh

Engfa(Looks at Char and whispers):Do you know?

Char(Nods and smiles and talks in English):She gets quite and doesn't want to be bothered. I just sing her a song she likes and she just smiles.

Engfa(in English):Beautiful voice.

Host:Can you sing a small part of the song she likes?

Charlotte started singing which made Engfa smile immediately. After singing fans cheered so loudly and clapped.

Host:Okay this question is for Engfa. What part of Charlottes body is the sexiest?

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